First published on TECHNET on Sep 28, 2012
Authored by Santos Martinez
Earlier this month I wrote this nice blog post about Expanding your Stand-Alone Primary Site with ConfigMgr 2012 SP1 for our Microsoft Premier Field Engineering blog. Here is a little abstract about this blog post:
Do you want to expand your stand-alone (a.k.a ConfigMgr) primary site into an hierarchy?
Reference below:
So you get to the point where your company starts expanding or acquiring other companies to join your current IT Infrastructure. To achieve this with ConfigMgr can be challenging since you performed a lot of planning for your existing environment and now you need to expand it. In the past you would have to rebuild your ConfigMgr sites to install a CAS (Central Administration Site) and then a primary site. With the future release of System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, this will no longer be needed. Here we are going to outline the steps that are needed for you to accomplish this.
If you want to read the full article please go here:
Thanks for Reading,
Cross post to MSPFE
Santos Martinez - Premier Field Engineer - SMS/ConfigMgr/SQL
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