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Configure IE Mode in Edge with Microsoft Endpoint (Intune)

rlpcarvalho's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Apr 11, 2022

Hi, my name is Ricardo Carvalho, I am a Customer Engineer working in Modern Workplace and Security in Portuguese Customer Success Unit team.


With the Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement announced for next June 15, 2022, many customers started asking for help on how they could open their older/legacy web applications with Microsoft EDGE. It can be done by configuring Enterprise Mode Site List, IE Mode, with Microsoft Endpoint (Intune) or GPO (Group Policy Objects). I will show you how to do it with Microsoft Endpoint (Intune).


To Configure Enterprise Mode Site List with Microsoft Endpoint, we will do it in three different steps:


  • Configuration of Enterprise Site Mode List file (XML)
  • Configuration of Azure Storage, to store and publish XML
  • Configuration of Endpoint Configuration Profile


# Configuration of Enterprise Site Mode List file (XML)


To configure which websites will run in IE Mode we need to use Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.2) tool, and it can be downloaded here. It is a simple next, next configuration. More information on how to use the tool can found here.


  1. Open the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.2) tool

Enterprise Mode Site List Manager (schema v.2) tool



  1. Click Add button and fill URL, Open In and Compat Mode you may leave Default Mode or choose different one. Save your configuration.
  2. Repeat this step to all your list of websites.


Add new website



Note – Every time you edit your XML, you will see version number increased, this will help you manage different versions.


URL list




  1. Next, click on File menu and choose Save to XML option
  2. Confirm your XML file, it will look like this


XML file example for IE Mode



Note – If website does not open in IE Mode correctly, you may need to edit your URL in XML file directly. As you can see on XML there is no HTTP(S):// neither some part of your URL you may have copied.


# Configuration of Azure Storage, to store XML file


Next step is to create a storage in Azure to publish XML file to your Endpoint managed devices and make it accessible, no matter where your location. Distributing the Enterprise mode site list to users, the Enterprise Mode Site list XML file can be placed on a file share or web server. For this example, I am placing it in Azure Storage.


Create Storage account

  1. First you need to sign-in to Azure Portal
  2. Search for Storage Accounts and then click Create
  3. Choose your Subscription and Resource Group
  4. Choose your storage account name and region
  5. Set performance to Standard
  6. Set Geo-redundant storage (GRS) in Redundancy and click Next twice to move to Network


Create a Storage account



  1. On Networking tab and confirm Public Endpoint (all networks) is selected
  2. Confirm Microsoft Network routing is selected and click next
    You may leave the remaining configuration by default
  3. Click Review + Create button and then Create


Storage account - Network connectivity



After storage configuration is completed, go back to Storage Accounts, and select your new storage account.


  1. Choose Containers under vertical menu and create New Container
  2. Choose container name
  3. Set Blob (Anonymous read access for blobs only) in Public access level and click Create


Storage account - Container list



  1. Select your container and click Upload


Storage account - Container list


  1. Upload your XML file previously created and click Upload


Blob storage


  1. Select your XML uploaded


Storage account - XML file



  1. Copy and save your URL, it will be used in Endpoint Configuration Profile





  1. Copy and test your URL to Edge and see if it has all the information.

Note – On your local network you may need to add the URL to your proxy or firewall rules




# Configuration of Endpoint Configuration Profile


Once finished all configuration of Azure storage we need to configure a new Endpoint Configuration Profile, to assign to an Azure AD Security Group (Users).


  1. Login to Endpoint portal
  2. Click in Devices and choose Configuration Profiles
  3. Create a new Profile
  4. Choose Windows 10 or later, select Templates, Administrative Templates and click create


Endpoint - Create a configuration profile



  1. Choose the name for your profile
  2. Search and select Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List under Computer Configuration. If you look under All Settings, choose the one for Device (setting type) not the one for user.


Create profile - configure settings




  1. Select Enable and write your URL created in Blob storage for your XML file and click OK


Configure Enterprise Site Mode List



  1. Search and select Configure Internet Explorer Integration setting under Computer Configuration
  2. Choose Enable and Internet Explorer Mode and OK


Configure Internet Explorer Integration



Now we should see 2 settings configured at the top of the list


Configured settings




  1. Click next and assign to a Security Group (users for example)


Now it is time to test our configuration

Open Edge and access your website and we should see IE icon on the left of URL address


Edge working in IE mode




Hope this post helps you configuring IE Mode and start using Edge without any issues loading your websites.


Additional information regarding support for Internet Explorer 11 and Enterprise Mode Site List:


Thank you

Ricardo Carvalho


Updated Mar 31, 2022
Version 1.0
  • AlexR91's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    miklknudsen If you have Google Chrome users in your environment, there is a group policy for Chrome that allows it to use the enterprise site list. If a website on this list is opened in Chrome, it will open the site in Edge and apply relevant compatibility settings. Chrome is not able to use CSLM the way it can use a publicly hosted list like this.

    That's another way to achieve the same. I will update this article pointing to CSLM or maybe later write a new article with my experience and best practices 

    Thanks for the feedback

  • JMSANTOS's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Why would you use this method with a customer that has Intune enabled?
    There is already a cloud-native method that doesn't require a store account to accomplish the same thing.
    It's called "
    Cloud Site List Management for Internet Explorer (IE) mode"