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Core Infrastructure and Security Blog

Breaking into Windows Server 2019: Network Features: Networking with Kubernetes

BrandonWilson's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 04, 2019

Happy Wednesday to all of our great readers! Brandon Wilson here once again to give you the last pointer of the series from the Windows Core Networking team covering the Top 10 networking features in Windows Server 2019. This time around, they are covering container networking with Kubernetes in Windows Server 2019! Here is some initial information straight from the product group:


To go to the main article: Top 10 Networking Features in Windows Server 2019: #1 Container Networking with Kubernetes - Microsoft Tech Community


"In today’s increasingly competitive and fast-paced technology market, enterprises are constantly discovering amazing new ways to innovate and evolve. One such area with expanding interest in recent years is application modernization using containers and container orchestration.

As applications are lifted-and-shifted from VMs to containers, IT Pros and Dev Ops teams require the same network management agility of Software-Defined Datacenter (SDDC). Kubernetes, the de facto container orchestration tool, addresses this gap under the umbrella of a standardized & open-sourced framework. Now, with Windows Server 2019, we greatly improved usability of Kubernetes on Windows by enhancing platform networking resiliency and support of container networking plugins.


As always, if you have comments or questions on the post, your most direct path for questions will be in the link above.


Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you again soon!


Brandon Wilson

Updated Apr 02, 2021
Version 3.0
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