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Core Infrastructure and Security Blog

Alerting on Deadlocks with the SQL Server Management Pack

Jimmy Harper's avatar
Jimmy Harper
Occasional Reader
Mar 13, 2019

First published on TECHNET on Oct 28, 2014

Today a customer asked me how to configure SCOM to generate Alerts for SQL Deadlocks.  Looking in the SQL Server Management Pack, I found that we have event log Rules for deadlocks for SQL 2005, 2008, and 2012:




The Rules are targeted at DB Engine and alert on Event ID 1205 in the Application Event Log:




However, my customer generated a deadlock and no SCOM Alert was generated.  Looking in the Application Event Log on the SQL Server, we saw that the 1205 event was not logged.


After doing some digging, I found that that SQL Server does not log this event by default…which was confirmed by running Select * from sys.messages where message_id=1205 on the master database…the results showed is_event_logged=0:






To change this, we ran Exec sp_altermessage 1205, 'WITH_LOG', 'true' and verified the change (is_event_logged=1):




Now I generate a deadlock and get the 1205 event in the Application Event Log:




And I get an Alert from the SQL Server Management Pack:




To generate a deadlock, I used the steps documented here .

Updated Feb 20, 2020
Version 2.0
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