Hey everybody, Ryan Ries here with a quick heads-up that there is some hot-off-the-presses content you need to check out if you're interested in Windows Server and Active Directory. And if you're reading this, I know you are.
First, we have the Windows Server vNext session from Ignite. It has a ton of announcements, demos, news on what's coming and we are looking to drive a ton of customer interest in all the changes for AD, Hyper-V, clustering, file server, storage, performance as well as the new breakout features like Hotpatch and Pay-As-You-Go. Video and slides here:
What’s New in Windows Server v.Next (microsoft.com)
Next, we have a session by my friends Wayne McIntyre and Linda Taylor on what's new in Active Directory. Come learn about 32KB database pages, delegated MSAs, and more! Here's a link to the entire Microsoft Technical TakeOff schedule, which includes many amazing sessions:
Event | Microsoft Technical Takeoff: Windows + Intune - November 27-30, 2023
And here is the link specifically to the Active Directory session:
What's new in Active Directory | Microsoft Technical Takeoff