First published on TechNet on Sep 14, 2009
Active Directory Cmdlets used with AD LDS
Hello it’s LaNae again. Now that Windows 2008 R2 is available we get to use the coolness of PowerShell with AD LDS. When you install the AD LDS role on a Windows 2008 R2 server it will also install the AD PowerShell module.
Unfortunately the documentation in the help files for each cmdlet does not give an example of what the syntax would be for AD LDS. You can find a list of the cmdlets in the “What’s New in AD DS: Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell” located at
Active Directory Cmdlets used with AD LDS
Below you will find a list of Active Directory cmdlets as well as the syntax that can be used to manage AD LDS instances.
Enable-ADOptionalFeature : Enable an optional feature.
Example: Enable-ADOptionalFeature “Recycle Bin Feature” –server servername:port –scope ForestorConfigurationSet –target “CN=Configuration,CN={GUID}”
Get-ADObject : Gets one or more AD LDS objects.
Example : Get-ADObject -filter ‘objectclass -eq "user"’ -searchbase 'partition DN' -server servername:port - properties DistinguishedName | FT Name, DistinguishedName –A
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit : Gets one or more AD LDS OUs
Example : Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter {Name -Like '*'} -searchbase " partition DN " -server 'servername:port' - AuthType Negotiate | FT Name, DistinguishedName –A
Get-ADUser : Gets one or more AD LDS users
Example : Get-ADUser -Filter 'Name -like "*"' -searchbase "partition DN” -server 'servername:port'
Get-ADGroup : Gets one or more AD LDS groups
Example : Get-ADGroup' -Filter 'Name -like "*"' -searchbase "DN of partition to search" -server 'servername:port'
Get-ADGroupMember : Gets the members of an AD LDS group
Example : Get-ADGroupMember -identity 'DN of group' -server 'servername:port' -partition "DN of partition where group resides" | FT Name,DistinguishedName -A
New-ADGroup : Creates a new AD LDS group
Example : New-ADGroup -Name "groupname" -server 'servername:port' -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -DisplayName "group display name" -path "DN where new group will reside"
New-ADUser : Creates a new AD LDS user
Example : New-ADUser -name "username" -Displayname "Display Name" -server 'servername:port' -path "DN of where the new user will reside"
ADD-ADGroupMember : Adds an AD LDS user to a group
Example : Add-ADGroupMember -identity "DN of group" -member "DN of user" -partition "DN of partition where group resides"
New-ADOrganizationalUnit : Creates a new AD LDS OU
Example : New-ADOrganizationalUnit -name "OU Name" -server 'servername:port' -path "DN of OU location"
Remove-ADGroup : Removes an AD LDS group
Example : Remove-ADGroup 'SID of Group' -server 'servername:portnumber' -partition "partition where group resides"
Remove-ADGroupMember : Removes an AD LDS user from a group.
Example : Remove-ADGroupMember -identity "DN of group" -member "DN of user" -server 'servername:port' -partition "DN of partition where group resides"
Remove-ADOrganizationalUnit : Deletes an OU in AD LDS
Example : Remove-ADOrganizationalUnit -identity "DN of OU" -recursive -server 'servername:port' -partition "DN of partition where OU resides"
Remove-ADUser : Deletes a user from AD LDS
Example : Remove-ADUser -identity "DN of user" -server 'servername:port' -partition "DN of partition where user resides"
-LaNae Wade
Updated Apr 04, 2019
Version 2.0NedPyle
Joined April 26, 2017
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