First published on TechNet on Jul 30, 2008
Hi this is Rob again. We had a couple cases recently where PolicyMaker settings were not applying to computer and users after installing Windows XP Service Pack 3.
We found that PolicyMaker client-side extensions (CSE) are not registered after installing Service Pack 3. Examine the following location using regedit :
Hi this is Rob again. We had a couple cases recently where PolicyMaker settings were not applying to computer and users after installing Windows XP Service Pack 3.
We found that PolicyMaker client-side extensions (CSE) are not registered after installing Service Pack 3. Examine the following location using regedit :
HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonGPExtensions
You should see the different client-side extensions for the computer. Here is the list of PolicyMaker CSEs:
{00000040-789B-494F-BF51-216A4110581C} - PolicyMaker License
{08E9566B-1390-4BFB-B19F-EA465BAD922D} - PolicyMaker Environment
{08F5166F-E66B-4F15-80BF-DE94F083472A} - PolicyMaker Local Users and Groups
{0947EA96-E4DE-48C5-99AD-FCC1829FFE86} - PolicyMaker Device Settings
{15D30905-443F-4097-8FA8-0A2E35B475DC} - PolicyMaker Network Options
{1EA5E892-2292-438F-8D05-40E7B0007585} - PolicyMaker Drive Maps
{F0DB2806-FD46-45B7-81BD-AA3744B32765} - PolicyMaker Folders
{F17E8B5B-78F2-49A6-8933-7B767EDA5B41} - PolicyMaker Files
{F27A6DA8-D22B-4179-A042-3D715F9E75B5} - PolicyMaker Data Sources
{F55DA052-16E1-434B-803F-F6A9F6945957} - PolicyMaker INI Files
{F581DAE7-8064-444A-AEB3-1875662A61CE} - PolicyMaker Services
{F5BFF32F-D563-460D-8764-890933FB03C0} - PolicyMaker Folder Options
{F648C781-42C9-4ED4-BB24-AEB8853701D0} - PolicyMaker Scheduled Tasks
{F6E72D5A-6ED3-43D9-9710-4440455F6934} - PolicyMaker Registry
{F9C77450-3A41-477E-9310-9ACD617BD9E3} - PolicyMaker Applications
{FD023FFE-C165-40D5-A201-439FC65AC8A5} - PolicyMaker Printers
{FD2D917B-6519-4BF7-8403-456C0C64312F} - PolicyMaker Shortcuts
{FD44098A-CA65-4054-8A70-EBAFAB263C70} - PolicyMaker Mail Profiles
{FEF373ED-6CBE-4294-83EC-008D502B394A} - PolicyMaker Internet Settings
{FF87F78A-E3A2-4AAE-B049-7E6BB1670D7B} - PolicyMaker Start Menu Settings
{FFAA00BB-0D9B-401B-B71B-EF5ED1D88E6D} - PolicyMaker Regional Options
{FFC64763-70D2-45BC-8DEE-7ACAF1BA7F89} - PolicyMaker Power Options
NOTE: If you have purchased other products from DesktopStandard you may have more. Microsoft did not acquire all the products DesktopStandard offered.
If you are missing these client-side extensions, you can register the DLL’s again by typing the following commands for the product listed:
PolicyMaker Standard Edition:
regsvr32 %systemroot%system32polprocl.dll
regsvr32 %systemroot%system32polcmncl.dll
DesktopStandard Software Update: (FYI) This product is not supported
regsvr32 %systemroot%system32polsucl.dll
DesktopStandard Application Security: (FYI) This product is owned by
regsvr32 %systemroot%system32polseccl.dll
Once this is done, reboot the computer. PolicyMaker settings should start applying again. You can deploy the RegSvr32 commands as a computer startup script, or run the scripts as a post SP3 installation script. For example:
@echo off
REM Sample DesktopStandard CSE Registration Script
REM This script is provided "AS IS"
regsvr32.exe /s %systemroot%system32polprocl.dll
Please remember that Policymaker is in extended support and there are no further updates being released. Policymaker has been superseded by the free
Group Policy Preferences CSE’s
and is included with Windows Server 2008 and RSAT for Windows Vista SP1. GPP can be used on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 as well.
- Rob Greene
Updated Apr 04, 2019
Version 2.0NedPyle
Joined April 26, 2017
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