What is Service Mesh?
Service Mesh provides managing capabilities for the micro-services hosted in the Kubernetes cluster uniformly and decouples them from the Applications (Microservices) layer.
This makes it a great tool for Infrastructure architects as well as Developer architects easily Manage, Observe and Secure the cluster.
Observability - Monitor applications hosted inside the cluster
Traffic Splitting - Split Ingress Traffic to different versions of an API. Helps perform - Blue/Green Deployment, A/B Testing, Fault Injection
Distributed Tracing - Trace/Compare Service to Service calls with visualisation
Circuit Breaking - Limit impact of failures due to uncertainty in Network and make services resilient
Complexity - More complex for simple requirements
Resource Overhead - Additional components needs additional resources - CPU, Memory
Additional Latency - Proxies, Policy checks adds latency; so might be a challenge for highly latency sensitive applications
Open Service Mesh
Open Service Mesh is a Lightweight, Extensible Service Mesh tool designed to manage and secure APIs inside K8s cluster by introducing simplicity and reducing complexity.
It is based on envoy Proxy and injects this as a sidecar container into every Observable application which in-turn performs traffic management, routing policies, capturing metrics etc.
And what is meant by Observable - Users can choose which of the applications (namespaces) should be under the OSM scanner and OSM would monitor those leaving others untouched!
Here is Quick Reference on OSM and Demo to understand how it works!
This article would show how this demo can be setup on an AKS cluster and can be used to observer, manage applications hosted inside the AKS cluster.
Please note that AKS now has an add-on for OSM.
Let us now build the demo step-by-step on an existing cluster.
Please refer to the Source Code for OSM which we would be referring in this article.
Define CLI Variables
Please fill up the values appropriately.
Connect to the AKS cluster
az aks get-credentials -g $aksResourceGroup --name $clusterName --admin --overwrite
Install Open Service Mesh (OSM)
osm install \
--set=OpenServiceMesh.enablePermissiveTrafficPolicy=false \
--set=OpenServiceMesh.deployPrometheus=true \
--set=OpenServiceMesh.deployGrafana=true \
Create Namespaces
kubectl create namespace bookstore
kubectl create namespace bookbuyer
kubectl create namespace bookthief
kubectl create namespace bookwarehouse
Inject OSM into the Namespaces
osm namespace add bookstore
osm namespace add bookbuyer
osm namespace add bookthief
osm namespace add bookwarehouse
Enable Metrics for OSM Namespaces
osm metrics enable --namespace bookstore
osm metrics enable --namespace bookbuyer
osm metrics enable --namespace bookthief
osm metrics enable --namespace bookwarehouse
Import images from Docker Hub
az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookbuyer:v0.11.1 -t bookbuyer:v0.11.1
az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookstore:v0.11.1 -t bookstore:v0.11.1
az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookthief:v0.11.1 -t bookthief:v0.11.1
az acr import -n $acrName --source docker.io/openservicemesh/bookwarehouse:v0.11.1 -t bookwarehouse:v0.11.1
Deploy Applications
#Deploy bookbuyer
kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookbuyer.yaml
#Deploy bookstore
kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookstore.yaml
#Deploy bookthief
kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookthief.yaml
#Deploy bookwarehouse
kubectl apply -f $osmfolderPath/yamls/bookwarehouse.yaml
Check Deployments
kubectl get deployments -n bookbuyer
kubectl get deployments -n bookthief
kubectl get deployments -n bookstore
kubectl get deployments -n bookwarehouse
kubectl get pods -n bookbuyer
kubectl get pods -n bookthief
kubectl get pods -n bookstore
kubectl get pods -n bookwarehouse
kubectl get services -n bookstore
kubectl get services -n bookwarehouse
kubectl get endpoints -n bookstore
kubectl get endpoints -n bookwarehouse
Check Mesh configuration
kubectl get meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -o yaml
How to expose services to the outside world?
This is primarily done using an Ingress controller.
Below steps would integrate OSM with Nginx Ingress controller so that all traffic from Ingress passes thru OSM and be monitored through the mesh
Install Nginx Ingress
#Create namespace for Nginx Ingress
kubectl create ns osm-nginx-ingess-ns
#Install Nginx Ingress controller
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install osm-nginx-ingess ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --namespace osm-nginx-ingess-ns \
--set controller.nodeSelector.agentpool=agentpool \
--set controller.defaultBackend.nodeSelector.agentpool=agentpool
Ingress to route to BookStore Service
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: osm-ingress
namespace: bookstore
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
# tls:
# - hosts:
# - store.<dns-name>
# secretName: osm-tls-secret
- host: store.<dns-name>
- path: /store
pathType: Prefix
name: bookstore
number: 14001
kind: IngressBackend
apiVersion: policy.openservicemesh.io/v1alpha1
name: bookstore-backend
namespace: bookstore
- name: bookstore
number: 14001
protocol: http
- kind: Service
namespace: osm-nginx-ingess-ns
name: osm-nginx-ingess-ingress-nginx-controller
Access underlying services
#Run BookThief as background service
./$osmFolderPath/osm/scripts/port-forward-bookthief-ui.sh &
#Open BookThief page in browser
http://localhost:8083/ -
#Run BookBuyer as background service
./$osmFolderPath/osm/scripts/port-forward-bookbuyer-ui.sh &
#Open BookBuyer page in browser
http://localhost:8080/ - Check that services are Not working
Deploy Traffic Target
Allows traffic between services within the Mesh
kind: TrafficTarget
apiVersion: access.smi-spec.io/v1alpha3
name: bookstore
namespace: bookstore
kind: ServiceAccount
name: bookstore
namespace: bookstore
- kind: HTTPRouteGroup
name: bookstore-service-routes
- buy-a-book
- books-bought
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: bookbuyer
namespace: bookbuyer
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: bookthief
namespace: bookthief
apiVersion: specs.smi-spec.io/v1alpha4
kind: HTTPRouteGroup
name: bookstore-service-routes
namespace: bookstore
- name: books-bought
pathRegex: /books-bought
- "user-agent": ".*-http-client/*.*"
- "client-app": "bookbuyer"
- name: buy-a-book
pathRegex: ".*a-book.*new"
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/traffic-access.yaml
Check Traffic starts flowing through
Deploy BookStore-V2
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/bookstore-v2.yaml
Split Traffic
Split traffic between Two versions of BookStore service - 50/50
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/traffic-split-50-50.yaml
apiVersion: split.smi-spec.io/v1alpha2
kind: TrafficSplit
name: bookstore-split
namespace: bookstore
service: bookstore.bookstore # <root-service>.<namespace>
- service: bookstore
weight: 50
- service: bookstore-v2
weight: 50 -
Split traffic between Two versions of BookStore service - 0/100
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/traffic-split-v2.yaml
apiVersion: split.smi-spec.io/v1alpha2
kind: TrafficSplit
name: bookstore-split
namespace: bookstore
service: bookstore.bookstore # <root-service>.<namespace>
- service: bookstore
weight: 0
- service: bookstore-v2
weight: 100
OSM Metrics
osm dashboard&
OSM Tracing
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -p '{"spec":{"observability":{"tracing":{"enable":true,"address": "jaeger.osm-system.svc.cluster.local","port":9411,"endpoint":"/api/v2/spans"}}}}' --type=merge
OSM Egress
Egress is pods to the outside world is blocked by default
Deploy curl application
kubectl create ns curl
kubectl apply -f $osmFolderPath/yamls/curl.yaml
kubectl get pods -n curl -
Go Inside the curl pod
kubectl exec -it <curl-pod-name> -n curl -- sh
curl http://httpbin.org/get -
Check Egress from curl pod fails
Now Enable Egress for Pods
kubectl patch meshconfig osm-mesh-config -n osm-system -p '{"spec":{"featureFlags":{"enableEgressPolicy":true}}}' --type=merge
Go Inside the curl pod again
kubectl exec -it <curl-pod-name> -n curl -- sh
curl http://httpbin.org/get
- Check Egress from curl pod working as expected
List all Namespaces under OSM scanner
osm ns list --mesh-name=osm
Remove Namespaces from OSM scanner
osm namespace remove bookbuyer --mesh-name=osm
osm namespace remove bookstore --mesh-name=osm
osm namespace remove bookthief --mesh-name=osm
osm namespace remove bookwarehouse --mesh-name=osm -
Restart the deployment as Envoy sidecars are deleted
kubectl rollout restart deployment bookbuyer -n bookbuyer
kubectl rollout restart deployment bookstore -n bookstore
kubectl rollout restart deployment bookthief -n bookthief
kubectl rollout restart deployment bookwarehouse -n bookwarehouse -
UnInstall OSM from AKS cluster
osm uninstall --mesh-name=osm