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Migration of HDInsight HBase Cluster with Replication Enable

somnathghosh's avatar
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Sep 01, 2021

This article explain how to migrate the Active Active Replication HBase cluster.

Understanding the Use Case:
This use case explain how to migrate the HBase Replication cluster. Let Say we have two cluster Cluster A and Cluster B and both are peer with each other for Active Active replication. Now we want to Migrate the Cluster B to New Version let say New Cluster B. Also we need to make sure that if any point of time the Migration Fails we can point back to Cluster B.    



Below are the Steps for the migration.

Step 1: Cluster A and Cluster B already Exist with Active Active Replication Enable. Please follow the below link for more information on how to setup the replication

Step 3: Create New Migration Cluster B

Step 4:
From Cluster A check existing the peer it will point to Cluster B

Step 5: From Cluster A create Peer “2” to new ClusterB and Disable it.

Step 6:
From Cluster A Disable peer “1” which is pointing to Cluster B


Step 7: Load some Data to Cluster A.


Step 8:  Check the Replication Status  from Cluster A Data is waiting to write in Peer 1 and Peer 2

Step 9: Follow the documentation to Migrate Cluster B to new Cluster B

Step 10: Verify If the migration is successful and able to access the table.

Step 11:
From Cluster A now  Enable Peer “2” which is pointing to new Cluster B.


Step 12: Verify Data is replicating to New Cluster B


Step 13: Check from new Cluster B new Data which we inserted while migration is available.

Step 14:
Create Peer from New Cluster B to Cluster A for Active Active Replication

Step 15
: Verify the Data is replicating to Cluster A by Inserting some Data in New Cluster B and validating the data is available in Cluster A.

Step 16: If all the validation looks good and data’s are getting replicated to new Cluster B then  Drop “peer1” From Cluster A.


Step17: Destroy old Cluster B.




Published Sep 01, 2021
Version 1.0
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