Happy New Year and looking for feedback!
Published Jan 04 2022 01:50 PM 5,259 Views

2022 has arrived and we would like to take the opportunity to wish everybody a Happy New Year!!


This year we have a few ideas for improving SharePointDsc, but are also very interested in your feedback: What would you like to have added to SharePointDsc? What great ideas do you have to make SharePointDsc even more awesome? 


To make sure we can prioritize the most impactful features, we have created a feedback form. We would highly appreciate if you could spare five minutes of your time to share your insights and ideas, which we can use to improve SharePointDsc!


You can find the form here: https://forms.office.com/r/DHfN9DagvK

Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 04 2022 01:50 PM
Updated by: