FSLogix 2210 (2.9.8361.52326) bugs: black screen and log off issues

Steel Contributor

Hi all, there seem to be a couple of bugs in FSLogix 2210 (2.9.8361.52326): some users experience a black screen when logging on (loading their profile may take up to 10-15 minutes), session logoffs don’t work (child processes have to be killed) and user profile roaming between different session hosts is problematic.

Workaround: I had to fall back to the FSLogix 2201 hotfix 2 (2.9.8228.50276). There were no more issues since then. For now I keep all my customers on this build.

59 Replies



no have stayed on this version with no major issues. 


thanks @trixsta 


unfortunately we tried to downgrade to that version, but we still see black screens during logon.


There's a precise 10 minutes timeout each time...


No idea why, but it's driving me crazy



Incase anyone else is looking for the older stable version, try the link below.

FSLOGIX Version 2.9.7838.44263

Hello @trixsta, thanks for the link!


We found the cause of the issue: there's a logon script which is causing the 10 minutes delay with the black screen. 


We disabled the folllowing policy and everything started working again:


Now we just need to find which scripts is causing the logon delay, but at least we know it's not an FSLogix issue.

Is anyone having issues with 2210 Hotfix 2? We are on a much older version, 2.9.7654.46150 , and I am afraid to update but need to install the app masking and I dont have the 2.9.7654.46150 version anymore.

Hello @mikesid,


we're currently on version 2.9.8228.50276 which is the latest 2201 version and it's stable.


2210 seems to have some issues with office activations...


Here's the link to download the 2.9.8228.50276 version if you need it: OneDrive - FSLogix

I'm on that for a while now, runs fine here.

Good to hear that. No issues with office activations and/or with Azure SSO logins?


Are you on Hybrid setup or something else?

Hi @mikesid,

I recently upgraded to 2210H2 from 2210HF1 last month and I am not seeing any issues thus far. The majority of the issues I saw were on the 2210 version.

I'm running VMware Horizon 8.10 with latest release of AppVolumes and DEM agents. I am using 2210HF2 on 1 desktop pool running Windows 11 w/ MS365 Apps for Ent. My other 8 pools are running Windows 10 22H2 with Office 2019 on the 2210HF1 agent also with no issues.

If you do experience an issue, the FSLogix Support tool is great to help with troubleshooting.
Thank you everyone. I think we will try the latest 2210HF1. We are in a citrix environment and our 2019 servers are hybrid joined so I am hoping we dont have any issues with office activation. We will also add the roam identity just in case as well as disabling the recycle bin, the appx installs and the vhd compaction. Appreciate all your responses.

We use 2210 hotfix 1 with no issues so far. Now we have black screens after logon. This starts with Windows 10 22H2 patches october 2023 (kb5031445), december 2023 (KB5033372) and january 2024 (kb5034122). No issues with october 2023 (KB5031356) patch and older. FSLogix 2210 hotfix 2 doesn't help. All users are affected.

RoamRecycleBin DWORD 0 doesn't help.


event log warning:

"The login notification subscriber <frxsvc> needs some time to process this notification event (StartShell)."


I login as admin and. Check windows logs.


also check fslogix path permission and folder redirection if used.

check AV exclusions for fslogix and Citrix if used. 

@bsch2704 Nothing from FSLogix logs? You can use the Tray app to get a more comprehensible analysis. Path to exe file is usually "C:\Program Files\FSLogix\Apps\frxtray.exe"


I would also double check which policies run at login and eventually if there are logon scripts which delay the logon process.


We had the same issue some time ago (see previous replies) and it was caused by a logon script which started behaving abnormally after some windows updates.



Hi, checked with gpo's disabled for my test user yesterday. Same issue. It seems to be a Citrix issue, as I can log on in VMware console directly. Only hdx ica is affected. Found https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops/whats-new/known-issues.html#third-party-i... -> "You may see a black screen when launching a session if you have FsLogix 2201 HF1 installed on the session host. To address this issue, you must upgrade FsLogix to a newer version. [HDX-46159]"
Sounds like this issue and we use HF1 (I believe they mentioned 2210, not 2201). But HF2 does not fix the issue. And since I'm able to log in by VMware console it's more a Citrix issue than FSLogix from my point of view.
We use Citrix Virtual Desktops Windows 10 22H2, FSLogix 2210 HF1, Citrix 2303 LTSR, VDA 2203 CU3.

@bsch2704 Check the below registry string. Make sure that it only shows "UsrLogon.cmd" without quotes in the AppSetup value. For some reason all of my machines that were having the issue had "UsrLogon.cmd,CitrixFiles.exe /fork". After removing the Citrix part and leaving only "UsrLogon.cmd" in the string it worked perfectly. I found it by comparing some of my other working machines. 





Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AppSetup

That issue, according to Microsoft, should have been fixed for the 2210 HF1 version:
"Fix: Resolved an issue where users would be stuck at a black screen as a result of attempting to empty the Recycle Bin prior to roaming."

But it could still be there tbh.

I'd try with a previous version. We're using 2201 HF2 and it works fine. Or you could try upgrading to the 2210 HF2 or to the latest available, the 2210 HF3 Preview (even though I'd be careful with that one).
There is no AppSetup reg key
HF3 is a good hint. I've read about it and already forgot that. I'll test tomorrow. Thank you. And I've found a Citrix forum where a lot of other people are affected of this issue.

I've tested FSLogix 2210 HF3 Preview yesterday with no success. But I'm a big step further. The Windows Search service stucks in 'StartPending' state, which blocks FSLogix from loading fully. The workaround currently is to stop the process searchindexer.exe, what causes the wsearch service to start and reload this process. After that no black screen appears.