Chinese calendar in Taskbar

Copper Contributor

I do not have the Chinese language installed on my English Windows 10, but the calendar in the task bar shows Chinese. All the instructions I find on the web follow this procedure to fix it:

  1. Press Windows “start” button.
  2. Select Settings .
  3. Select Time & language.
  4. Under Date & time, select Additional date, time, & regional settings.
  5. On the next window, select Language.
  6. On the left side of the window, select Change date, time, or number formats.
  7. Another window will pop up. Under Formats tab, click the drop-down arrow for Format.
  8. Select the desired language.
  9. Click OK.

The problem is, when I select Additional date, time, & regional settings in step 4, there IS NO Language on the next window, just what is shows in the attachment.

  Any ideas how to fix this?



7 Replies

Hello @James Heisig,


I recommend you to manually install Chinese language as mentioned in FIX 2 here:


Let me know if this helps!


Note: Included link in this reply refers to blog post by a trusted Microsoft MVP. 

I may not have been crystal clear. I want to GET RID OF THE CHINESE IN THE CALENDAR, not add it to my input languages.
best response confirmed by Kapil Arya (MVP)
Try this
Go to Start > Settings > Time & Language > Date & Time. On the right side, scroll down to "Show additional calendar in taskbar". Make sure it is set to "Don't show additional calendar."

I hope it helps you :)

Thanks, that did the trick. It seems that I had foolishly forgotten to scroll UP, where I could opt to exclude "other calendars."

I'm glad it worked for you :)


When I press Settings (Windows 11), I do not get the same prompts that are being discussed here (as shown below).  In other word, I do not get Time & language as a potential choice.  Why not?

@James Heisig 


Feel your frustration. 

Left-click anywhere on your tray that's empty to get "cursor clear (in case you have multiple monitors)

Click Win Key + Space bar.

My 2 came up


And some random Chinese name. Where that came from ??? 

Sorted. Gone. 

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Kapil Arya (MVP)
Try this
Go to Start > Settings > Time & Language > Date & Time. On the right side, scroll down to "Show additional calendar in taskbar". Make sure it is set to "Don't show additional calendar."

I hope it helps you :)

View solution in original post