Introducing a new ISV program for Azure private MEC
Published Feb 26 2023 02:45 PM 7,322 Views

As the cloud continues to expand into a ubiquitous and highly distributed fabric, 5G is paving the way for a new breed of modern connected applications, unlocking new and innovative services for enterprises.   


Azure private MEC combines edge-optimized compute, networking, and Azure services with ISV industry applications to address the business needs of enterprise customers. Integration with Azure private 5G Core allows ISVs to leverage simple, scalable, and secure deployment of private 5G networks.


The ISV program for Azure private MEC has been designed to accelerate the development of modern connected applications to speed the adoption and value creation for Enterprises; ISVs also receive technical guidance and access to the Azure private MEC lab for testing and validation of solutions.


Key components

Qualified ISVs will receive support designed to accelerate the development of modern connected applications and shorten time to market.  Deliverables include:


  • Discovery: Access to Microsoft experts to explore how Azure private MEC can help innovate, differentiate, and drive growth.
  • Architecture Design: Architecture design sessions to integrate Azure private MEC into ISV solution architecture, leveraging best practices and insights from the product team.
  • Test and Validate: Test and validate their solutions on Azure private MEC in a lab environment with support from technical experts.
  • Azure Marketplace: Tested and validated solutions can be published on Azure Marketplace, making it easy for enterprises to find ISV solutions.
  • Co-Sell & GTM: Leverage the Microsoft Partner Center co-sell program to reach a large, global customer base.  


Benefits to ISVs

The ISV program is structured to add value with Azure private MEC.  Benefits include:

  1. Innovation:  Enabling ISVs to develop innovative, low latency applications at the edge.
  2. Differentiation: Benefit from unique technical extensibility and building differentiated industry solutions with Azure private 5G Core.
  3. Growth: Leverage Microsoft’s unique go-to-market approach with more than 35,000 global sellers and Azure Marketplace to connect millions of enterprises around the globe.


Benefits for Enterprises

Enterprises get access to a growing ecosystem of pre-validated ISV solutions to unlock the value of private 5G investments, accelerating time to value by reducing integration costs and faster deployment of modern connected applications. 


  • A growing ecosystem of ISV solutions: Access to a growing ecosystem of solutions, including Robotics, Video AI, and IOT to address business needs, enabling enterprises to improve business agility and gain a competitive advantage. 
  • Unlock the Value of Private 5G: Enterprises benefit optimized ISV solutions to maximize the value of private 5G network capabilities, deliver reliable network coverage, device density, high performance, and ultra-low latency connectivity.
  • Shorter Time to Value: Enterprises get access to tested and validated solutions, contributing to accelerated digital transformation with new capabilities provided by these ISV solutions.


ISV Ecosystem

Several of our ISV partners have already been onboarded on and have published their innovative solutions on.  These solutions address use cases such as robotics, Video AI and IoT, and are applicable to multiple industries.





Cognitiwe leverages the power of real-time analytics and Azure private MEC to ensure that retailers’ products are always fresh and of the highest quality and reduce the risk of fraud and shrinkage. Cognitiwe provides effective monitoring of health and safety by detecting anomalies, risks, hazards, and accidents in the work environment.


"Our partnership with Microsoft allows us to harness the power of 5G and private MEC services to deliver real-time freshness control, shrinkage monitoring and H&S monitoring. This cutting-edge technology not only improves the shopping experience for customers but also helps retailers reduce food waste. And also, we provide safer work environment.”  Atilla Algan, CEO, Cognitiwe


iLink Digital, a leader in world-class digital solutions, built Midas, a platform for enterprises to perform real-time video analytics using AI/ML at the edge. Midas enables quick actions/triggers for object classification, object detection, or pattern matching on a real-time video and can be used for a wide variety of use cases to deliver revenue growth, operational efficiency, and process insights.


“Midas, an Azure private MEC compatible CV platform is built with a vision to ease the implementation for real-time video decision-making for enterprises at the edge and we are excited to see the outcomes it will provide for our clients" Sree Balaji, CEO iLink Digital Group.


Ipsotek’s VI Suite products provides edge-based AI/ML video analytics solutions for applications from intrusion detection, high-accuracy people counting, traffic analysis, and business intelligence to advanced people or object tracking.


”Atos Ipsotek's Computer Vision platform combined with the scalability of the Microsoft Azure platform, provides a truly transformative solution for businesses looking to increase efficiency, boost productivity, improve business opportunities and gain a competitive edge while leveraging the 5G marketplace.” Mehdi Afiatpour, Global Head of Business Development for Telco & Cloud Providers, Atos Ipsotek 


Neal Analytics, a Fractal company, accelerates companies’ data-driven business transformation with proven edge-to-cloud, engineering, and AI expertise.  With Azure Video Analyzer deprecated, the complexities of developing Vision AI cloud-to-edge workloads increased significantly. Fortunately, Neal capabilities, showcased in their Product Yield Optimization & StockView solutions and in their edge AI open-sourced work with Microsoft make them a great partner to implement those AI workloads.


“Neal Analytics is excited to offer our vision solutions and implementation capabilities through Azure private MEC. Its ability to run a GPU and provide remote connectivity in one single 5G-connected device supports even the most complex scenarios, including edge AI & Vision solutions. With Neal’s solutions and Azure private MEC we can accelerate innovation at the edge for customers across industries.”  - Edwin Webster, Practice Director, Edge & IoT



RedViking’s Argonaut, an Industry 4.0 application, together with private 5G core, empowers manufacturing engineers and operators with real-time work instructions and powerful analytics. Part and process traceability creates insights for process improvement and compliance, while private 5G enhances security and flexibility, exceeding rigorous manufacturing uptime and latency requirements. 


“Manufacturers are rapidly expanding use of wireless connectivity on the plant floor. Offering Argonaut on Azure private MEC allows for secure and reliable cloud-managed solutions. Customers benefit from reduced downtime and increased productivity while enabling transformative applications including edge-based real-time AI.” Greg Giles, VP of Product Development at RedViking

Roboverse Reply integrates innovative robotics use cases with its solution. Azure private MEC enables low-latency teleoperation with the VR interface and fast creation of digital twins. The solution includes AI skills with sensor-based anomaly detection, Fleet Management for the Internet of Robotic Things and Autonomous Preventive Inspection and interactive telepresence.


"With Roboverse Reply's Autonomous Preventive Inspections, customers extend the lifespan of their infrastructure and take advantage of interactive telepresence for safety and security purposes. By using mobile robots, we help customers reduce downtime and gather data for predictive maintenance, ultimately saving time and money." Kai Uwe Ernst, Executive Partner, Reply


Sensing Feeling delivers smart visual sensing software for real-world spaces, powered by AI Computer Vision. The company's products help operators of real-world spaces better manage risks, safety and wellbeing of people who work in them, and are specifically designed to uphold the highest standards of end user privacy and ethics.


“Our solutions are ‘5G-ready’ and offer the ability to ‘future-proof’ IoT sensing in transport, infrastructure, energy, construction and maritime. Microsoft Azure private MEC makes it possible for us to offer enterprise clients truly extensible and inexpensive ‘mix and match’ solutions for safety and risk management.” – Jag Minhas, CEO Sensing Feeling


weavix™ the Internet of Workers platform, is a single source of truth that allows facility owners, manufacturers, and general contractors to realize the future of work.


“weavix™ is what has been missing to bring transparency to the frontline,” says Kevin Turpin, Founder and CEO of weavix™. “Now, in one platform, workers and executives have access to the people and the data they need to optimize their workforce and maximize collaboration, safety and productivity.”  


Get started today

Microsoft is helping ISVs accelerate the development of modern connected applications, reduce their time to market, and connect them with enterprises seeking to transform their operations with these solutions.  Enterprises can quickly deploy validated low-latency and high-reliability ISV solutions that leverage 4G/5G networks and edge compute, helping them reach their digital transformation goals in a repeatable and scalable way.


  • Watch this video to learn more.
  • We invite interested ISVs to register here to learn more about this program and get started with Azure private MEC.







Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 27 2023 02:58 AM
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