Tell Us What You Think!
Published Jan 19 2024 08:09 AM 1,831 Views
Hello Azure Communication Services users!

As we enter 2024, we'd like to take the opportunity to hear what you think of the Azure Communication Services platform. We'd love to hear your insights and feedback on what you think we're doing well and where you think we have an opportunity to better meet your needs. We'd really appreciate it if you would take 5-7 minutes to complete our survey HERE and share your thoughts with us. We'll use this information to help guide future development, and to help us focus on the areas that our customers tell us are most important to them.
Please note - This survey is specifically designed for developers who've built something (even a demo or sample) with 
Azure Communication Services. We will offer additional opportunities for other users to share their feedback as well.

That survey link, again, is HERE. Thanks for your feedback, and here's to a productive and successful 2024!
Version history
Last update:
‎Jan 19 2024 08:57 AM
Updated by: