OneDrive sync 64-bit for Windows now in public preview
Published Apr 08 2021 09:09 AM 125K Views

We’re excited to announce that the 64-bit OneDrive sync client for Windows is now available as a public preview!


We know this has been a long awaited and highly requested feature, and we're thrilled to make it available for early access. You can now download the 64-bit version for use with OneDrive work, school, and home accounts.  


To move from the 32-bit to 64-bit (or vice versa) you'll need to make sure the OneDrive version you install is the same version as you currently have, or newer. For more information, see  What version of OneDrive am I using?


The 64-bit version is the right choice if you plan to use large files, if you have a lot of files, and if you have a computer that's running a 64-bit version of Windows. Computers running 64-bit versions of Windows generally have more resources—such as processing power and memory—than their 32-bit predecessors. Also, 64-bit applications can access more memory than 32-bit applications (up to 18.4 million Petabytes).

Note : If you have a 64-bit operating system with an x64-based processor, you can choose to install either the 32-bit or 64-bit OneDrive.

For ARM64 devices, you should continue to use the 32-bit OneDrive. 


For instructions on installing the 64-bit client see Choose between the 64-bit and 32-bit version of OneDrive.


Note: Your install type will be preserved, although if you're using PerMachine, you'll need to run OneDriveSetup.exe /allusers.


Update on 4/9 :

Looking at the comments/feedback we have received on this article we wanted to address some of commonly asked questions.


Will there be an update from 32 to 64 bit when it's released? Or system notification?

When the 64-bit OneDrive is generally available, your device will be automatically updated to 64-bit if it meets the requirements. There won't be a system notification, but you can follow the roadmap and release notes to see when it's released.


I'd like to know what this will give in an upgrade process from 20H2 to 21H1? Will this client be uninstalled / replaced by the original one?

The OneDrive sync client updates independently from the OS upgrade. If your device meets the requirements, OneDrive will be automatically updated to the 64-bit version when it's generally available.


Is there any guidance on number of synced files and changes to performance?

We're still assessing performance impact and evaluating if there will be any changes to guidance. For now, our guidance on the number of files remains the same.


Will this also fix the .lnk and .url exceptions in Group Policy when desktop is redirected to OneDrive?

The 64-bit version has the same feature set as the 32-bit version of OneDrive. However, I think this doc on blocking syncing specific file types might address your scenario.


We continue to evolve OneDrive as a place to access, share, and collaborate on all your files in Office 365, keeping them protected and readily accessible on all your devices, anywhere.


You can stay up-to-date on all things via the OneDrive Blog and the OneDrive release notes.

Check out the new and updated OneDrive documentation.

Take advantage of end-user training resources on our Office support center.


Thank you again for your support of OneDrive. We look forward to your continued feedback on UserVoice and hope to connect with you at Ignite or another upcoming Microsoft or community-led event.


Thanks for your time reading all about OneDrive,


Ankita Kirti

OneDrive | Microsoft

Copper Contributor

Can y'all add the capability to set up sync times?  I run a remote observatory and I use Onedrive to store images but it goes over a satellite link where night time is prime time. That's when I do the imaging, so it would be nice to queue syncs until daytime or scheduled sync windows.


Or implement the metered connection integration and allow me to specify the most "Affordable" times for metered connections to be unmetered.

Copper Contributor

Will there be an update from 32 to 64 bit when it's released? Or system notification?

Awesome job! Just installed it on my Windows 10 21H1 (insider beta), worked perfectly and switched from 32bit to 64bit.





Brass Contributor

Does this increase the recommended number of synchronised files? 

@Byron Miller it looks like you could programmatically change the state of your connection, toggling between setting it as metered/unmetered. Set Windows 10 Ethernet connection to metered with PowerShell | 4sysops

Brass Contributor

Well, OneDrive is completely broken on my PC now... Said incorrect version, so i tried to uninstall OneDrive. now i cannot install OneDrive because it always says i have a newer version installed... 

Brass Contributor

So after manually removing all the OneDrive reference from my registry i was able to get it installed... lets see how this goes...


Brass Contributor

Are there any details on performance and possible increases in the number of sync files post preview?  We have multiple customers bumping up against the # of files limits in sync.  

Copper Contributor

@Isumbras per the doc: "After the 64-bit OneDrive is generally available, your device will be automatically updated to 64-bit if it meets the requirements."

So, yes.

Copper Contributor

This is great news! 

Is there a comparison between 32-bit and 64-bit, or a list of the benefits of using the 64-bit version?

Also, any word on when long file paths will be supported fully (I know it kinda works, but things like Office can't save or open long path names)? The long paths is causing us a lot of problems in our migration to OneDrive from a network file server.

@smj11 do ensure you've enabled long file path support in Windows 10 - it helps:
Starting in Windows 10, version 1607, MAX_PATH limitations have been removed from common Win32 file ...

Copper Contributor

@Joe Gasper I have, but the problem is that Office 365/2019 doesn't fully support it yet. So when you try to save a file with more than ~260 characters (sometimes ~400) or so, it says the file can't be saved in the chosen location.

Copper Contributor

I can't install it. It says I need to uninstall my current OneDrive version.


Windows Dev channel.

Brass Contributor

Ugh. Also in uninstall/install hell. Had been running three OD accounts. Stopped them all. Cannot full uninstall from ControlPanel or cmd line. Deleted some registry settings. Nothing. App still shows in my aprograms list, doesn't nothing when I try to uninstall. And neither 32 or 64 bit will install because it thinks I still have an operating version. FML. Any suggestions that don't involve the regular instructions to uninstall. They don't work.

Steel Contributor

Still have the x86 Version after running the x64 Installer. Any Ideas?



Copper Contributor

The same here. Still old (latest) version after uninstalling 32bit version and installing downloaded 64bit version and synchronizing again...

Checked the characteristics of the downloaded file. It mentions 64bit.

Copper Contributor

Will this also fix the .lnk and .url exceptions in Group Policy when desktop is redirected to OneDrive?

Copper Contributor

Worked just fine here

Copper Contributor

Such good news. 

I am very curious how this x64 version is handling the 2 gb .dat limit. --> 300.000k files in onedrive


Installed the x64 manually and with intune... it must be the x64 as with the /allusers switch it installs in the c:\program files (instead of the x86). But the gui does not show x64?



Copper Contributor

I'd like to know what this will give in an upgrade process from 20H2 to 21H1?

Will this client be uninstalled / replaced by the original one?


Copper Contributor

Thankfully I'm on OneDrive insider and it was already there when I checked. Let's see what are the changes here. 



Brass Contributor

So far so good.  This should help some of my clients.



I'm a PM on the OneDrive team and wanted to thank you all for trying out the preview and providing your feedback! I also wanted to address some of the questions and comments:


Will there be an update from 32 to 64 bit when it's released? Or system notification?

When the 64-bit OneDrive is generally available, your device will be automatically updated to 64-bit if it meets the requirements. There won't be a system notification, but you can follow the roadmap and release notes to see when it's released.


I'd like to know what this will give in an upgrade process from 20H2 to 21H1? Will this client be uninstalled / replaced by the original one?

The OneDrive sync client updates independently from the OS upgrade. If your device meets the requirements, OneDrive will be automatically updated to the 64-bit version when it's generally available.


Guidance on number of synced files and changes to performance

We're still assessing performance impact and evaluating if there will be any changes to guidance. For now, our guidance on the number of files remains the same.


Will this also fix the .lnk and .url exceptions in Group Policy when desktop is redirected to OneDrive?

The 64-bit version has the same feature set as the 32-bit version of OneDrive. However, I think this doc on blocking syncing specific file types might address your scenario.


Issues with install

@Alan Burchill @edge261 @Michael Fouquette @Andres Bohren @GeertVanhooren I've sent you all private messages to get more info.



Kayla Ngan

Senior Program Manager

Brass Contributor

"The 64-bit version is the right choice if you plan to use large files, if you have a lot of files"


Why? It's not like the 32-Bit version struggles with either now. And what constitutes a "large" file?



Brass Contributor

When will you be releasing an ARM64 version? Thanks


In the 4 years since Windows on ARM was released Microsoft have literally released Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams for ARM64.


The Skype UWP app was even an ARM native app but when the Skype team dumped UWP, we were forced to used the Win32 32-Bit. Skype performance has literally got worse on Windows on ARM devices :(


We're working on ARM64 support but don't yet have a timeline to share.

Brass Contributor

Thanks for the reply kaylangan, appreciated.

Brass Contributor

One Drive is currently preinstalled in some Azure Gallery images in particular the Win10 Enterprise Multi-Session for WVD image. Will the general move for Microsoft be to replace these installs with the x64 versions in Gallery Images once it reaches GA to cut down on upgrade churn or will that be up to the discretion of the app team? I'm just considering the situation where I pipeline build a new session host then have Onedrive try to swap at some random time with 20 users on the box using it.

Copper Contributor

@kaylangan. Thanks for swiftly solving (explaining) the version indication issue. Presumably on 64bit version now indeed, system languages other than English being the problem. Hurray diversity! 

Copper Contributor

I installed the 64-bit version, I was informed to uninstall the previous version so I did that. The OneDrive About box doesn't show the version as '64-bit'. However the OneDrive.exe process is showing as 64-bit in Task Manager. 


Screenshot 2021-04-10 151934.jpg

Copper Contributor

@Andres Bohren Mine is like this, but my Task Manager is showing it as a 64-bit process. 

Copper Contributor

There is an issue with the non-English locale presumably.

Copper Contributor

@GeertVanhooren I'm using EN-GB Windows

Copper Contributor

J'ai voulu installer la version 64 bits.
Une fenêtre se présente "Nous effectuons quelques préparatifs... Merci de patienter.", puis plus rien.
En quand je vais vérifier la version, je suis toujours en 32 bits.


Thank you to folks who have helped us work through some of the install issues by providing logs!


A couple of updates:


Thanks again for all the feedback and please keep it coming!

Other than that great new software smell, it doesn’t sound like the 64-bit version will provide any real benefits in the near term, but you’re hinting of some potential performance improvements.


Would you be willing to post some of the reasons why you’re doing this and what some of the longer term benefits might be?

Copper Contributor

@kaylangan My locale is EN-GB but I don't see the 64-bit About box. I can confirm that it's 64-bit in Task Manager.


@BlueMonday19 sorry, I should've been more specific. EN-US. The bug is expected for EN-GB as well. Thanks for confirming!

I couldn't help myself and wanted to test it out for myself, how the new x64 is handling + 300.000 files.. testing it as I am typing

You could follow this link if anyone is interested in the results..



Copper Contributor

How will this new client work in relation to the OneDrive sync client that's baked into the Windows 10 OS out of the box? Will we see upcoming versions of Windows 10 switch to including the 64bit version of OneDrive instead of the 32bit one once it's generally available? 

Copper Contributor

@Simon Jones Who knows, maybe in a future feature update the 64-bit version may be included, there's no practical reason why not now that the 64-bit OneDrive is available.

Brass Contributor


I have uninstalled my previous version of OneDrive and installed the new 64bit preview version with /allusers switch. My locale is fr-fr so, as the others, the about dialog does not show 64 bits. I checked Taks Manager, and I don't see the (32 bits), so I guess it is the right version :



I have a weird behavior : I used to sync a document libary from a Teams private chanel. This library does not exist anymore so OneDrive complains about not being able to sync it and proposes to stop syncing it. I accept and it still appears in the list of synced libraries. Each time I click on the stop sync, it comes back again !

How can I get rid of it ?



Just wanted to follow up.. I have been testing with the new client like I was showing above


Currently, I have 260.000 files in my onedrive and the .dat file is still 266 mb big..(2 gb max? )


I am still uploading/creating new files to reach the 300k... I will post when I have the outcome and how onedrive is behaving...


For now, the Windows in-box version will be 32-bit but will auto-update to 64-bit (if the device is eligible). In a future version of Windows, we will add the 64-bit version in box.


@Mark Anderson Fair question. :smile:


OneDrive is currently the largest 32-bit process in-box in Windows in terms of memory usage and accounts for almost two-thirds of SysWOW64 image pages references post boot. Moving to a 64-bit client prevents 10s of MB of SysWOW64 binaries from being pulled into memory. It also allows OneDrive to benefit from sharing binaries with other 64-bit processes.


While having more memory available might improve some OneDrive scenarios, we do know that there are other bottlenecks that might be encountered first. As a result, there are no changes to file limit guidelines.

I’m not sure I understand that @kaylangan, but thanks for the the info.

Copper Contributor

@kaylangan, we currently have the 32-bit OneDrive installed with de /allusers switch on all of our endpoints. I would like to know if OneDrive automatically will be replaced by the 64-bit version in this situation. Or do we have to manually upgrade all of our endpoints.

Copper Contributor

I cannot sync Teams files after switching from Onedrive 32-bit to Onedrive 64-bit client.

Getting "Sorry, Onedrive can't add your folders right now. Please try again" error.

Should it work with Onedrive 64-bit client?

Brass Contributor

@ullerdk Did you try to reboot your computer ? I had that error message too and it has gone after a reboot and clicking one more time on the sync button within Teams files.

Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 10 2021 12:49 AM
Updated by: