What's new in Viva Insights – May 2023
Published May 24 2023 12:14 PM 5,101 Views

Recurring meeting audit report


We’re excited to announce the worldwide release of the Recurring meeting audit Power BI report template on the advanced insights app. This new template helps organizations analyze their most expensive long and large recurring meetings.


We know that time is money. Every meeting that takes place has a cost associated with it and shockingly, that cost generally goes unchecked.  This new capability empowers analysts to easily identify which meetings cost their companies the most money, so that they can make more informed decisions about how to optimize their team's time and resources.


With the Recurring meeting audit report, analysts can:


  • Get insights into which departments or teams are holding the most expensive recurring meetings so they can focus their optimization efforts where they'll have the biggest impact.
  • Compare the costs of different meetings over time to identify trends and patterns.
  • See a series of quality metrics, like multitasking prevalence, for each recurring meeting.

Armed with this information, analysts can make smarter decisions about which meetings are necessary and which can be shortened or even eliminated. 




Above image: The Meeting View tab, which shows details about specific recurring meetings along with cost and quality insights.


Updates to organization insights in the Viva Insights app


We’re releasing some enhancements to organization insights in the Viva Insights app. After these changes take effect, eligible managers will be able to see insights for all subgroups within their organization. We’re adding new sorting controls to highlight the most important information, and interactive charts to make navigating results easier than ever.


Worldwide release is planned for the beginning of June. Stay tuned for more information!





Customizable metrics for meeting queries


Analysts can now customize predefined metrics in meeting queries to learn more about attendees. For example, let’s say you wanted to find out how many hours attendees from your Chicago office spent in a meeting. In your meeting query, you could customize the predefined Attendee meeting hours metric, and then set a filter to only include attendees from Chicago. This new feature empowers analysts to analyze meetings in new and interesting ways.


To learn more about custom metrics and how to create them, refer to our documentation.


New data import features


We’re excited to announce development on two new data-import features for Viva Insights. The first feature imports data from any organizational data source. The second feature imports data from Workday. 


These features help your data stay current over time.  Instead of you manually uploading a .csv file at a set cadence, imports send data to Viva Insights at the frequency you pick. When analysts run queries or managers and leaders view insights, they’ll see the most up-to-date data based on your import frequency.


Both features are in private preview. If you’d like to participate in the preview, learn more in our recent blog post: Invitation for private preview

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Version history
Last update:
‎May 24 2023 12:42 PM
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