Index rebuild job keep on failing in SQL server 2014

Copper Contributor



Created a index rebuild job in SQL agent and for the past few weeks it keeps on failing. Troubleshooted from my end and I suspect the drive space is less in data drive were the MDF file is almost 5.16TB and free space is 1TB, so to make this job run successful do we need additional space in data drive. Please suggest on this.

In addition to this we have so many Heap indexes in the live tables, can you please suggest do we have alternative option for the fix.


1 Reply

Hi @Sujay1185 


It is important to see the error message that you are getting. if you have free space on the disk means that database file is not growing so maybe autogrowth is set to none.


anyway, I am not sure how you are doing index maintenance but I'll strongly suggest you to check and use Ola  Hallengren solution which will provide a very detailed log in case you have failures


