Blog Post

Microsoft 365 Blog

Microsoft wants your ideas on end user adoption & engagement with Microsoft 365 & Office 365

Dhruv_Jain's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
May 20, 2019

Microsoft is looking for IT professionals to provide feedback on end user adoption and engagement for Microsoft 365 & Office 365. You would be participating with a group of 6-8 in a 90-minute discussion session held online. Topics of discussion include key challenges in your role, end-user adoption and engagement practices, and preferred communications from Microsoft. Your feedback will help drive the types of engagement Microsoft develops for you and your end-users. In addition, we will provide a $100 honorarium for your participation, which may be delivered to you or to a charity of your or our choosing.

To qualify for these discussions you must meet the following criteria:


  • Fluent English speaker
  • Microsoft 365 & Office 365 administrator for your organization
  • Live in the US, Japan, or Western EU (not UK)
  • Not in government or education sectors
  • Organization has at least 150 employees / seats on Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription

If interested and you meet the criteria above, please follow the link below to provide a few qualifying details, after which we will follow up regarding your participation.




*Editor's note: Participation requirements have been updated on 5/30/2019

Updated May 31, 2019
Version 3.0
  • MarkBuse's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    The population selected for feedback is far from representative of those deciding to approve Office 365 adoption, and those driving adoption. 

  • heatherbussey's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'm the ACM Lead for O365 Adoption & Enablement for a company of 20,000 employees. I was disqualified through the survey. Hopefully there will be other opportunities to participate in this kind of discussion?


  • kennoh's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Thanks for your comment! I am working with Microsoft to gain feedback on the end user adoption and engagement for M365 and Office 365 per the blog post. We'll take your feedback into account when reviewing your survey responses. If your responses meet our participation criteria we will be contacting you to participate in these focus groups! 

  • I just took the survey - one of the questions required an answer, but it wasn't applicable.  It was a question about things we were thinking about deploying, but the only choice was for a service that we're not planning to use.