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Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
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SUP WSUS Product Filters - New Option available now with ConfigMgr 2203


Software Update Point (this list of products is coming from WSUS) Product Filters - New Option available now with ConfigMgr 2203 onwards.


Configuration Manager Software Update Point properties have the option of filtering the products list. This option is a really nice one in many scenarios.


For example, WSUS added a new category such as Windows 11 for patching. You can just search for Window 11 in the filter and press enter to filter out all the other products apart from Windows 11. This is what is shown in the below screenshot.


Following are the quick steps that you need to navigate to use product filters.


  • Launch the Configuration Manager console.
  • Navigate to \Administration\Overview\Site Configuration\Sites.
  • Select the primary server and click on Configure Site Component.
  • Select Software Update Point from the drop-down menu.
  • From Software Update point component properties – select the Products tab.
  • Enter Windows 11 in the filter box and press the Enter button. 




NOTE! - This product filter is available only with SCCM 2203 or later versions. 


SCCM SUP Product List Filtering option with 2203 version 1.JPG

If you have scanning issues with clients, you probably need to make sure WSUS cleanup is properly configured. It's always worth looking at the client and server-side logs to troubleshoot further on scan timed out issues.


The explained filtering option enriches the admin experience in the SCCM console even though it's a very small change. The search option with products helps the real-time scenarios such as finding out recommended versions of .Net Framework products and syncing those products.


The filter option is useful when you publish 3rd party updates using SCCM. It can easily become a long list after enabling all the catalogs of 3rd party app drivers to list into products. Proactive monitoring is one of the features that must be part of the admin task list per month.


1 Reply
Looks like the whole intention of this article was to point to your blog posts. Almost 17 links added that just pointing to a spammy blog.