With our recent announcement of support for custom containers in Azure Machine Learning comes support for a wide variety of machine learning frameworks and servers including TensorFlow Serving, R, and ML.NET. In this blog post, we'll show you how to deploy a PyTorch model using TorchServe.
The steps below reference our existing TorchServe sample here.
Export your model as a .mar file
To use TorchServe, you first need to export your model in the "Model Archive Repository" (.mar) format. Follow the PyTorch quickstart to learn how to do this for your PyTorch model.
Save your .mar file in a directory called "torchserve."
Construct a Dockerfile
In the existing sample, we have a two-line Dockerfile:
FROM pytorch/torchserve:latest-cpu
CMD ["torchserve","--start","--model-store","$MODEL_BASE_PATH/torchserve","--models","densenet161.mar","--ts-config","$MODEL_BASE_PATH/torchserve/config.properties"]
Modify this Dockerfile to pass the name of your exported model from the previous step for the "--models" argument.
Build an image
Now, build a Docker image from the Dockerfile in the previous step, and store this image in the Azure Container Registry associated with your workspace:
WORKSPACE=$(az config get --query "defaults[?name == 'workspace'].value" -o tsv)
ACR_NAME=$(az ml workspace show -w $WORKSPACE --query container_registry -o tsv | cut -d'/' -f9-)
if [[ $ACR_NAME == "" ]]
echo "ACR login failed, exiting"
exit 1
az acr login -n $ACR_NAME
az acr build $BASE_PATH/ -f $BASE_PATH/torchserve.dockerfile -t $IMAGE_TAG -r $ACR_NAME
Test locally
Ensure that you can serve your model by doing a local test. You will need to have Docker installed for this to work. Below, we show you how to run the image, download some sample data, and send a test liveness and scoring request.
# Run image locally for testing
docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 --name torchserve-test \
-v $PWD/$BASE_PATH/torchserve:$MODEL_BASE_PATH/torchserve $IMAGE_TAG
# Check Torchserve health
echo "Checking Torchserve health..."
curl http://localhost:8080/ping
# Download test image
echo "Downloading test image..."
wget https://aka.ms/torchserve-test-image -O kitten_small.jpg
# Check scoring locally
echo "Uploading testing image, the scoring is..."
curl http://localhost:8080/predictions/densenet161 -T kitten_small.jpg
docker stop torchserve-test
Create endpoint YAML
Create a YAML file that specifies the properties of the managed online endpoint you would like to create. In the example below, we specify the location of the model we will use as well as the Azure Virtual Machine size to use when deploying.
$schema: https://azuremlsdk2.blob.core.windows.net/latest/managedOnlineEndpoint.schema.json
name: torchserve-endpoint
type: online
auth_mode: aml_token
torchserve: 100
- name: torchserve
name: torchserve-densenet161
version: 1
local_path: ./torchserve
MODEL_BASE_PATH: /var/azureml-app/azureml-models/torchserve-densenet161/1
name: torchserve
version: 1
image: {{acr_name}}.azurecr.io/torchserve:8080
port: 8080
path: /ping
port: 8080
path: /ping
port: 8080
path: /predictions/densenet161
instance_type: Standard_F2s_v2
scale_type: manual
instance_count: 1
min_instances: 1
max_instances: 2
Create endpoint
Now that you have tested locally and you have a YAML file, you can create your endpoint:
az ml endpoint create -f $BASE_PATH/$ENDPOINT_NAME.yml -n $ENDPOINT_NAME
Send a scoring request
Once your endpoint finishes deploying, you can send it unlabeled data for scoring:
# Get accessToken
echo "Getting access token..."
TOKEN=$(az ml endpoint get-credentials -n $ENDPOINT_NAME --query accessToken -o tsv)
# Get scoring url
echo "Getting scoring url..."
SCORING_URL=$(az ml endpoint show -n $ENDPOINT_NAME --query scoring_uri -o tsv)
echo "Scoring url is $SCORING_URL"
# Check scoring
echo "Uploading testing image, the scoring is..."
curl -H "Authorization: {Bearer $TOKEN}" -T kitten_small.jpg $SCORING_URL
Delete resources
Now that you have successfully created and tested your TorchServe endpoint, you can delete it.
# Delete endpoint
echo "Deleting endpoint..."
az ml endpoint delete -n $ENDPOINT_NAME --yes
# Delete model
echo "Deleting model..."
az ml model delete -n $AML_MODEL_NAME --version 1
Next steps
Read our documentation to learn more and see our other samples.
Updated Jun 21, 2021
Version 3.0gopalv
Joined April 17, 2020
AI - Machine Learning Blog
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