.NET MAUI AppLinks

Copper Contributor

Xamarin.Forms documentation has information on how to setup app links.


.NET MAUI works with single project for both iOS and Android.

I didn't see documentation to setup AppLinks/UniversalLinks in iOS and Android. Could you provide info on how to setup applinks and universal links (Android and iOS) in single project scenario? 

5 Replies
best response confirmed by Rajesh Aravapalli (Copper Contributor)

This would work the same pretty much as with Xamarin.Forms as you still would update code in your AppDelegate and MainActivity (they are in the platform folder). The main difference is that you don't need a separate nuget package, it is built in:





thanks first of all
can we also count on a documentation in net maui? or why is it not available yet?

@HausB13 @JamesMontemagno is it possible to found a complete example on how to use deeplink in MAUI? I just need to open my app passing a string parameter from email, this is very common scenario when credentials must be verified or reset.


I'm not able to find a complete example with documentation, only pieces of codes or threads but nothing complete.


In Xamarin forms documentation, speaking about Android, I read that the requirements are:

  • application published on play store: how can I test it before to publish?
  • A companion website must be registered against the application in Google's Developer Console
  • In addiction we need to configure a project in firebase, then download the google-services.json and so on

all these steps and conditions are still the same for MAUI?

How do I update my AppDelegate and what do I have to add? Sorry for the question. I know how to do it in android with IntentFilter but not for iOS.
Here is a very good guid for Xamarin
I also use it but have struggel to register my url in AppDelegate
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Rajesh Aravapalli (Copper Contributor)

This would work the same pretty much as with Xamarin.Forms as you still would update code in your AppDelegate and MainActivity (they are in the platform folder). The main difference is that you don't need a separate nuget package, it is built in:





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