Forum Discussion

Niclas Carlsson's avatar
Niclas Carlsson
Brass Contributor
Feb 13, 2017

PnP PowerShell - PnP Provisioning package (pnp) with folders



Is it possible to create a pnp provisioning file with a folder structure for a library by using Convert-PnPFolderToProvisioningTemplate or doesn't the current provisioning enging support pnp packages with folders? I have tried with several options but with no success. 


I would like the whole package to contain the folders from the beginning avoiding to have to handle that separately when the template has been applied to the site. 



    • Niclas Carlsson's avatar
      Niclas Carlsson
      Brass Contributor



      I have used the sample ProvisioningSchema-2016-05-DirectorySample.xml provided here and it doesn't seem like the Convert-PnPFolderToProvisioningTemplate take the files in consideration when the package is made. I have referenced the files like this in the xml file.


              <pnp:Directory src="c:\temp\DirectoryBulkLoadSample" Folder="BulkLoaded" Overwrite="true"
                  Recursive="true" IncludedExtensions="*.docx,*.pdf" ExcludedExtensions="*.xml,*.txt"
                  MetadataMappingFile="c:\BulkLoadedMetadata.json" />
    • Deleted's avatar

      You could create a extention in your template and use this code:


      private void CreateFolders(ClientContext context, Web web, List list, Project.Provisioning.Models.ListConfigurationListFolder[] folders)
                foreach (var folder in folders)
                    ListItem newItem;
                        // Create folder
                        ListItemCreationInformation itemCreateInfo = new ListItemCreationInformation();
                        itemCreateInfo.UnderlyingObjectType = FileSystemObjectType.Folder;
                        itemCreateInfo.LeafName = folder.Title;
                        newItem = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
                        newItem["Title"= folder.Title;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        TraceHelper.WriteInformationToListener("LogFile"$"Couldn't create folder: {folder.Title}.");
                    if (folder.ObjectSecurity != null)
                    {   // Set item security
                        var securitySettings = folder.ObjectSecurity.BreakRoleInheritance;
                        if (securitySettings.RoleAssignment.Length == 0continue;
                            var groups = context.LoadQuery(context.Web.SiteGroups.Include(g => g.LoginName));
                            var webRoleDefinitions = context.LoadQuery(context.Web.RoleDefinitions);
                            newItem.BreakRoleInheritance(securitySettings.CopyRoleAssignments, securitySettings.ClearSubscopes);
                            foreach (var roleAssignment in securitySettings.RoleAssignment)
                                Principal principal = groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.LoginName == roleAssignment.Principal);
                                if (principal == null)
                                    principal = context.Web.EnsureUser(roleAssignment.Principal);
                                var roleDefinitionBindingCollection = new RoleDefinitionBindingCollection(context);
                                var roleDefinition = webRoleDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == roleAssignment.RoleDefinition);
                                if (roleDefinition != null)
                                newItem.RoleAssignments.Add(principal, roleDefinitionBindingCollection);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            TraceHelper.WriteInformationToListener("LogFile""Error occured when setting itemlevel security on folder.");
      • Niclas Carlsson's avatar
        Niclas Carlsson
        Brass Contributor

        Yep I guess that I have to look at a custom extension. Too bad as it would have been nice if the Convert-PnPFolderToProvisioningTemplate command had packaged the files and folders in the same pnp package.


