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Support Windows LAPS for Entra AD Domain Services

Support Windows LAPS for Entra AD Domain Services



 Jan 24 2024
4 Comments (4 New)
In the backlog

Many customers have asked me in passing when Windows LAPS will be supported for managed devices joined to an Entra AD Domain Services domain (formerly known as Azure AD Domain Services). All I can share for now is that the owning team is aware of this ask and it is in their backlog. Please up-vote this feature to add your support!


It would also be helpful if you are willing to PM me with your company name and the # of EADDS\AADDS devices that would be Windows LAPS-enabled once the support is available.


Overview of Microsoft Entra Domain Services - Microsoft Entra ID | Microsoft Learn




Status changed to: In the backlog
Copper Contributor

Hello Jay,

I am a happy customer of Entra domain services because I hope I reduce the risk of outdated or misconfigured AD DS in my environment.


Maybe the upvotes are missing because it was really hard to find your request :)


I think there is more out there.


Best regards


Brass Contributor

@Jay Simmons hoping to hear some good news on this as we too have customers who want to move to native Entra ID and were curious when this would allow us to enable LAPS on Entra Domain Services joined devices. 


Hi @Jacob_V  - sorry, no updates to share at this time. I'm sharing your feedback with the Entra Domain Services team though.