Stuck in Servicing Mode

Copper Contributor

I have a device running Windows 10 IOT 2019 Enterprise.  It is configured with UWF.  I put it in servicing mode, but now it is in an endless reboot.  I never see any indication that Windows is booting but I do get the BIOS screen.  


The UwfMasterServicingScript file is custom and skips Windows update because there is no network connection to the device.  


I used a Windows install disc to get into the repair environment and used BCDedit so that I could boot into safe mode.   It shows that Servicing is on and would be on for the next boot.  However, when I try to disable servicing mode, there is a long pause, then an error stating that it failed to disable UWF  Servicing Mode because  "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper."  Web searches on this error keep pointing at network related things and don't seem helpful.  


I'm looking for any suggestions to help get me out of servicing mode.  

Thanks in advance.  


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