Since the upgrade of the MacOS 15.0.1 the connection between the mac and
the PC drops out randomly with a 0x407 error. Sometimes within seconds
sometimes minutes but it always drops out. It did it with the last
version of Remote Desktop and I "upgraded" to the Windows app and same
result. Any hints?...
@JSteskal WinGet doesn't support OS updates. It also doesn't have a
central database for caching updates or approvals, as far as I know. I
suppose you could create your own custom repo for that, but that would
be a lot to maintain. If they did have plans to augment WinGet to be
something more robust...
Well I think it is said in the OP but eventually not so clear what was
meant with "timely and persistent security and compliance" in terms of
the scope. Thanks to @Kevin_Sheehan I have learned more about it and was
curious enough to break things just to see if it works as I expected -
and it did.
Is there any talk about replacing WSUS with WinGet? That would be a
proper way of doing the updates if there was a way to add a local Winget
server as a role to Windows Server. You could add it as a patch to
Windows Server 2025. This way you have modern tech, but are not tied to
Azure for updates.
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