How To I Fix QuickBooks Error Code H303 Problem with Multi User Hosting?

Copper Contributor

QuickBooks is a versatile accounting software used by businesses worldwide to manage their finances efficiently. However, like any software, it's prone to errors that can disrupt your workflow. One common error encountered by users, especially in multi-user hosting environments, is Error Code H303. This error typically occurs when QuickBooks is unable to establish a connection with the company file located on another computer. In this article, we'll delve into what Error Code H303 is, its possible reasons, and provide comprehensive solutions to resolve it.


What is QuickBooks Error H303?


QuickBooks Error Code H303 is part of a series of H-series errors related to multi-user hosting issues. Specifically, Error Code H303 occurs when QuickBooks is trying to establish a connection to the company file located on another computer, but the connection fails. This error usually appears with an error message stating, "Error Code H303: QuickBooks cannot connect to the company file."


Reasons for QuickBooks Error Code H303:


Several factors can trigger Error Code H303 in QuickBooks multi-user hosting environments. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Firewall Settings: Incorrect firewall settings may block the connection between computers hosting QuickBooks company files.
  2. Damaged or Incorrect.ND File: The Network Data (.ND) file is crucial for multi-user access in QuickBooks. If this file is damaged or configured incorrectly, it can lead to Error Code H303.
  3. Incorrect Hosting Configuration: If QuickBooks is not set up properly for multi-user hosting, it can result in connectivity issues.
  4. Network Issues: Problems with the network, such as poor connectivity or network configuration issues, can prevent QuickBooks from accessing the company file.
  5. Outdated QuickBooks Version: Using an outdated version of QuickBooks may lead to compatibility issues, including Error Code H303.


Solutions to Fix QuickBooks Company File Error H303:


Now that we understand the potential causes of Error Code H303, let's explore some effective solutions to resolve it:

  1. Verify Hosting Settings:

    • Open QuickBooks on each computer hosting the company file.
    • Navigate to the File menu and select Utilities.
    • Ensure that Hosting Multi-User Access is enabled on the hosting computer and disabled on workstations.
  2. Check Firewall Settings:

    • Configure your firewall settings to allow QuickBooks connections.
    • Add exceptions for QuickBooks executable files (e.g., QBW32.exe) in your firewall settings.
    • If you're unsure how to configure firewall settings, consult your IT administrator or refer to the firewall documentation.
  3. Update QuickBooks to the Latest Version:

    • Ensure that QuickBooks is updated to the latest release.
    • Open QuickBooks and go to the Help menu.
    • Select Update QuickBooks Desktop and follow the on-screen instructions to download and install updates.
  4. Verify.ND File Configuration:

    • Locate the folder where your company file is stored.
    • Find the corresponding.ND file for your company file.
    • Rename the.ND file by adding ".old" to the file name (e.g., company_file.qbw.ND.old).
    • Open QuickBooks again, and it will recreate the.ND file automatically.
  5. Use QuickBooks File Doctor:

    • QuickBooks File Doctor is a tool provided by Intuit to diagnose and repair common QuickBooks file issues.
    • Download and install QuickBooks File Doctor from the Intuit website.
    • Run QuickBooks File Doctor and follow the prompts to scan and repair your company file.
  6. Check Network Connectivity:

    • Ensure that all computers are connected to the same network.
    • Test network connectivity by pinging the hosting computer from workstations.
    • If there are any network issues, resolve them with the help of your IT team or network administrator.




QuickBooks Multi-user Error H303 can be frustrating, especially in multi-user hosting environments where collaboration is essential. However, by following the solutions outlined in this guide, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve this error, allowing you to resume your accounting tasks without interruption. Remember to keep your QuickBooks software updated and regularly maintain your network infrastructure to prevent such errors in the future.


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