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Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Co-Managed Autopatch - Dynamic AAD Groups

Copper Contributor

Just finished setting up Autopatch, which was pretty painless, however the device configurations created for Windows 10 and 11 telemetry have exclusions groups for one another, which is expected, however the dynamic group for Windows 11 uses 


(device.devicePhysicalIds -any _ -startsWith "[OrderID]:Microsoft365Managed_") or (device.deviceOSVersion -startsWith "10.0.22000")


to determine if the device is windows 11. However the OrderID wouldn't be set for these devices already in the environment thus never added. Also Windows 11 22h2 will be higher than build 22000. So as of now both 10 and 11 configs are trying to apply to both Win10 and 11 and conflicting with one another.

7 Replies

Hi @BaconActual 


Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear the setup process was seamless. I have forwarded along this feedback to my team. If you have any further feedback or comments, please let us know! You can continue to post them directly on this discussion board or at our Feedback Portal.

I am seeing this in my tenant also. Are there any updates as to when/if this will be fixed?

@egoodman, @BaconActual - we're releasing a fix for this on 2207. I'll update this thread once the fix is released.

I'm testing autopatch with Windows 365 and I have a similar issue. When I query Graph Explorer for my VM, it doesn't list any physical ID. Is that something that needs to be set manually or will this also be address in the 2207 fix?
Is the fix still ongoing? We're observing the same behavior in our testing environment. No devicePhysicalIds is mentioning "Microsoft365Managed_" for the enrolled devices.
experiencing the same problem here. Idk if I could just fix it alone.
Microsoft Verified Best Answer
Look for the Message Center Post (MC443898): the migration from OMA-URI to Intune Settings Catalog + the use of Intune assignment filters will make the AAD dynamic group and its dynamic rules obsolete.

The change was implemented in the end of October.