Some users cant connect to Windows 365 desktop

Copper Contributor

We are new to Windows 365 and gave 20 users a Windows 365 desktop.

Some users can connect and some cant connect.

When connecting to the desktop they get a message they cant connect.


Error is user based. 

Testing on the same device one user can logon, the other cant.

Same provisioning policy and user settings. 


Im stuck with troubleshooting.

Some advice?

2 Replies

Hi William,

Can you please provide a printscreen of the full error message at the client-side?

Also check the logs at the server-side: > Azure Active Directory > Sign-in logs > tab "User sign-ins (non-interactive)". Look for interrupts and failures. The details will provide the reason for the error.

Hi Mathieu, Thank you for your help. There were no messages, when connecting, you did see the screen of the desktop, then it disconnected. We re-provisioned the desktops for the specific users. After it, they were able to connect.