Tech Community Live: Windows edition
Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

My PC got a blue screen error after updating to Windows 11

Copper Contributor

Hello Community Worker




  I updated my computer to Windows 11 the other day, and recently my computer has a blue screen after booting for a while, and the stop code seems to be different every time. Then I checked the patches I had installed and found that the latest patch I had installed was KB5013943 , so I think there is something wrong with the updated patch KB5013943 I installed (probably) since I didn't have any related errors before installing this patch.








  Thanks to all my friends who helped me



4 Replies
Please go to your computer manufacturer's support page and download the latest drivers - this is a common problem that causes conflicts.
Are you able to login to your PC?
If yes, open start and search for feedback and open the Feedback Hub app and report this issue.
Are there any other pending updates available?
Maybe my computer won't last until I open Feedback Center and blue screen,But I will try
Just for test, try performing a Clean Boot and see if the problem persists?
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