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Re: You must start Microsoft Access by double-clicking a microsoft access file error
Answer: Good day all, The issue is source raise when Microsoft Access Runtime is installed together with the full version of access. The selection of the application which supposed to open the file is failing this case. Open the "app & features" and search for access -> confirm that you have both version and if you do then simply uninstall the Microsoft Access Runtime and keep the full version.16KViews0likes0CommentsRe: ODBC drivers for Ubuntu 22.04
Hi steve60 > postgresSQL is a well balanced and well known database. You are totally current. It is a great database server which can fit most cases. My last response was not related to this specific solution but just noted about the reason you mentioned "cheaper". I just wanted to emphasize that cheaper is just one parameter when you select the solution. I am sure your will have an awesome system Have a great day52KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Outlining not working in SSMS 18.x and 19.x
Hi MartinxN This questions was originally asked on 15-09-2021 about 2 years ago. Are you saying that you work on the same issue for 2 years?!? You probably know what Dog Years means. In general each year for a dog is like 7 years for Human. This questions is more that one Computer years and each computer year is like 10000 years for Human as the tech change each minute. From the time you asked the question SSMS 18.x became obsolete. Therefore, the sirt step you should do, is to install the latest version of SSMS. Please upgrade to the latest version and confirm if the issue continue. If it was a known bug then it was probably fixed If the issue continue on the latest version of SSMS then w will dive into it more6.3KViews0likes4CommentsRe: Is general purpose serverless tier of Azure SQL DB good choice for data warehouse database ?
Hi SKDutta > But we have received connection timeout(read) error most of the time. Serverless automatically scales compute based on workload demand. It's also automatically pauses databases during inactive periods. This directly can lead to such issues of timeout when you need to wake the server or scale the server. You can configure the "Auto-pause delay" to reduce such issue. Another option is to disabled the auto-pausing but this will probably means that serverless does not fit your scenario and you are not using the full power of serverless flexibility. If you cannot permit your system to have such issue then maybe serverless is not the solution that fit your need. You need a solution which stay awake all the time with the same recourses. > So when few large mappings are running/update statement is running then Log IO and Data IO are reaching 100 % and some other mapping shows this error. According to this, the issue is not with "Auto-pause delay" since you speak about a case that your database is running already. It can still be related to scaling issue even so my "feeling" is that this not the case. > Do you feel that general purpose serverless would be good ? I am "feeling" that we should not guess here and we do not have the necessarily information to make the decision. workload testing as Nagesh_g suggested is always a good idea in order to choose the right recourses. You need to monitor what is your bottleneck. For example if the issue is low memory then you might want to use M-Series which is Memory optimized. Use FSv2-series for Compute optimized (issue with IO). Note that these tiers require that you use the business critical service tier. In fact, my first thought was that maybe you should use azure synapse dedicated, which also known in the former name Azure SQL Data Warehouse. At this time, I cannot tell you which service and which tier fit for your need, but you should definitely think about (meaning testing as well) using azure synapse dedicated. In order to help you choose the best solution we will need more information about the how you use the data, what are the latency which you can allow, and some benchmark test.2.6KViews1like0CommentsRe: Reading REST Data from SQL Server
Hi PeterJones Please read carefully what I say and not what you want to hear, since you are quoting things I did not say! > Thanks for letting me know that the features of that software have not been implemented in SQL Server 2022 SE. Where did I said this?!? I explicitly said that "if you are using the same edition" and that "I am not sure which functionality you speak about"! > I could not figure out where MSDN went. Now you know It was officially moved to the QnA forums: > I seem to have a profile there so I must have registered at some point. It's the same profile used for all the Docs (the QnA forums team and the Docs team are working under the same leading), so maybe you registered in the past to a different activity. > Yes, I know stack overflow and others. But MSDN was always my go to place. For me as well. The MSDN was my favorit forum! Tens time better community than any other place (in my opinion) > We bought the MAP and CSP... I have no idea what you speak about. You should always remember that we are not inside your head, and each combination of three characters probably have two or two hundreds meaning > So, nice to meet you, nice to be here. And thank you for your help. You are most welcome Nice to meet1.1KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Trivial question on SQL Server 2016 build number
Hi Cristiano_gasparotto , I recommend to use a simple query next time, in order to find the exact version and edition. All you need is to run `SELECT @@VERSION` select @@VERSION -- Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (RTM) - 16.0.1000.6 (X64) Oct 8 2022 05:58:25 Copyright (C) 2022 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows 10 Pro 10.0 <X64> (Build 19045: )1.4KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Reading REST Data from SQL Server
Hi PeterJones > SQL Server 2022 SE I assume you mean SQL Server 2022 Standard Edition (If not then please clarify). > I was wondering if this functionality has been included in SQL Server 2022 SE? The project mentioned that it fits "SQL Server 2016 and later versions", and SQL Server is backward compatibility application - This means that application which was developed for previous version which is still supported (SQL Server 2016 is supported), should work well with the current version. Note that it does not mean that performance will be the same (usually by default performance are better in newer version as it uses new features and algorithm but this can work the opposite side as well). It means that command (queries) for example which fits version 2016 works on version 2022. Therefore, I see no reason why this will be an an issue if you are using the same edition with newer version. > Does anyone know if this functionality was rolled into SQL Server 2022 SE and if so a blog post we can go and read? Thanks. I am not sure which functionality you speak about. The SQL-APIConsumer is not SQL Server feature but a simple application built in C#, which connect the server like any application that anyone develop. There is nothing internally in SQL Server related to this application. In fact, as much as I see, it is not even Microsoft project, but a application that was developed by Geraldo Diaz. > My second question is this. Is this the best place to ask SQK Server questions now? I assume that you mean "SQL Server questions". Each forum will probably inform you that that forum is the best place to ask questions and the answer is usually that each person has his preferred community/forum and there is no specific system which is "best". This website tchcommunity is own and managed by Microsoft teams. As much as I understand the moderators here are only Microsoft employees, so probably less supporters from the community use it. You have a few Microsoft MVPs (these are not Microsoft employees but experts volunteers from the community), which help other people here. When select your place for supporting, check yourself parameters like: do you like the interface, who are the people that support, what is the response time for questions and how many questions stay open, do you have discussions or only answer, and more... > We have used MSDN and Answers in the past. If by "Answers" you speak about this site: then as I see it, this is not the right place for SQL Server supporting or deep supporting on code. It is mostly a support place for home users about using the applications and not for developers, DBAs, or ITs. The English forums of the MSDN system (which I loved the most) have been migrated to a new system at the Learn Docs QnA. The team that own the new system QnA is the same team that own the MSDN form and most of the supporters and moderators from the MSDN are helping in the new QnA system. The Moderators at the MSDN like in the new QnA are mostly xperts from the community usually selected by the product teams. For example, I am moderator at the MSDN since 2010 and I also moderator at the QnA system from the first day of the system (here I have no official role/permissions so naturally I come here to help but less). At the QnA system you can also find many of the product teams employees together with some Microsoft Moderators and many community experts like Microsoft MVPs. Note that stackoverflow is also a known place where many experts and Microsoft product teams participate and support. Personally I do not like that system but this is a personal opinion while others love it more. There are tens of forums with experts and in many of these Microsoft Product teams participates. This include Facebook groups and such. For example, I manage a group on Facebook together with someone who is from the Microsoft Data Platforms team. The official Microsoft Docs website ( directs users to use the QnA forum ( naturally. > So I am just wondering where we should post our questions for SQL server now. Again, this is up to you. Check what I wrote above and choose your place. Have a great day1.1KViews0likes2CommentsRe: 2061893606error
Hi Jellyfish5 (1) Please make some effort when publishing a question, especially in a public community orum when the people that help you spend their free time to help you for free as contribution. You could add some words instead of just an image. Be less lazy will also could help you to use Google and find out that this was asked tens of times in (probably) any SQL Server forum. (2) As olafhelper said, we need the information from the log files which include the real and full message. +1 to olafhelper (3) In addition we need to know what exactly which OS and you must confirm that your hardware/software fit the application: There is a good chance that you try to install SQL Server 2022 Express on windows 11 which is not supported. If this did not cover your needs then please provide the missing information from the log files1.8KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Bulk Insert causing duplicates in target table
Hi gnanny You probably familiar with the sentence "the total is more than the sum of its parts". You present two behaviors which we should think about together and not solve each separately. The combination of "no primary key => loads same records 5 times" and the fact that "when primary key => failure with primary key constraint" clearly is a result of attempting to INSERT the data multiple times. The issue is with your application code as it seems. using Bulk Insert in the correct way does not INSERT the same row more than once - not if it has PK or not. Seems like your app run the insert 5 times so if the there is no PK then it INERT the 5 tims and if there is PK then it cannot insert the second time. To help more than this we will need to see the entire code of the application that relevant to this. In anyway, this means that the issue is not in the SQL Server side and should be in a different forum under .Net or C#.5.8KViews0likes0CommentsRe: is it possible to open a recordset and loop through the records in a scalar valued function?
Hi RayMilhon > is it possible to open a recordset and loop through the records in a scalar valued function? Yes, but using SQL Server, in most cases, this is a very bad idea! You can use CURSOR for the task. check the following docs: Basically you declare a cursor using the query that returns the set of rows -> then you can open the cursor and move row by row using FETCH NEXT > Can this be done in SQL Server 2012? yes. Cursor is supported in 2012. Here is a post from 2012: > I have a report I have to produce which was being done in Access however due to new security protocols I can no longer do this in Access and This doesn't sound in first glance as something you should do in SQL Server but in the client side. SQL Server is not best solution for working row by row as it was design to work on SET of rows. All the algorithm it based on are for improving performance when working with set and not looping. > I need to create a function that has 2 parameters. a patient ID and an admit date. The function then checks all patients hospital stays and returns true if the admit date for their admission is within 2 days of them being discharged from another admission. In first glance this seems like something you can so on all rows in one time without any loop using one query. For more information we will need to reproduce the scenario so we will have something to work with. If the above did not cover your needs then please provide: 1) Queries to CREATE your table(s) including indexes 2) Queries to INSERT sample data. 3) The desired result given the sample, as text or image of excel for example. 4) A short description of the business rules, and how you got 1-2 of the results 5) Which version of SQL Server you are using (this will help to fit the query to your version).1.6KViews0likes0CommentsRe: SSIS Installation Issues
and?!? saying that you have an issue with no information is not very useful unless we can read minds. Please provide all the relevant information you can find including and not just error logs, error message (as text + as screenshot). Note! Please don't send us to search for the information. If you started more than one discussion (which is perfectly OK) then you should sync the information between all threads and make sure that no one spend time on what was answered in another thread.2KViews0likes2CommentsRe: ODBC drivers for Ubuntu 22.04
Hi CaldeiraG , all Option 1: According to Microsoft documentation it is well supported. > In this quickstart, you install SQL Server 2022 (16.x) on Ubuntu 20.04. Please follow this document: Option 2: You can install Docker into Ubuntu 22.04. (1) Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu: (2) Install SQL Server Container: Uninstall/rollback SQL Server 2019 patch
Hi John2390 This is well documented at the same document of how to install the KB5023049 Scroll down to the title: How to uninstall this update NOTE!!! This is not a recommendation to do so but answer to your question. You should not came to a situation where this action is needed on production a(as possible) and in most cases testing should prevent you from this need.1.3KViews0likes1CommentRe: Query from one Database and load to another Database
Hi patwary8 , > but it looks like I don't have the rigt to do that. In order to read data from a database you need permission to read the data. If you can (success) execute a SELECT query and get the data from the same machine where your SQL Server on-premises is, then you can do the task. If you do not have the rights to do so, then how do you want to do it?!? > Therefore, I want to retrieve data from Azure If you have the permission to read the data from the Azure SQL Database then as I already wrote before, the you can use SELECT from OPENROWSET for example. Step 1: check that the local server has permission to use OPENROWSET (disable by default) -- Open advance options EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO -- check permission to run OPENROWSET EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries' GO -- if above returns: Ad Hoc Distributed Queries 0 1 0 0 -- The you need to open permission on local server. Run the following if you want to do it EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1 RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE GO Now you can run OPENROWSET and using a simple connection string you can connect to any database like any application do. To connect Azure SQL Database you need: Step 2: Open firewall to the Azure SQL Database -> check that you can use SSMS to connect the Azure SQL database Now go back to the on-premises server Step 3: use the following query to read the data from a table in the Azure SQL Database (from the local on-premises SQL Server) SELECT c.* FROM OPENROWSET( 'MSOLEDBSQL' , ',1433;Database=Use-Database-Name-Full;UID=Use-username;Pwd=Use-password;' , 'select * from Dimension.City;' ) c; GO That's all 🙂 lets use the database "WideWorldImportersDW-Full" in the Azure SQL database for the test. Connect the local on-premises server and create new database CREATE DATABASE patwary8 GO USE patwary8 GO Option 1: let's directly create new table on premises using SELECT INTO FROM the Azure Database (remember the steps to allow OPENROWSET first as explained above) SELECT * INTO newtable FROM OPENROWSET( 'MSOLEDBSQL' , ',1433;Database=WideWorldImportersDW-Full;UID=UserName;Pwd=password;' , 'select * from Dimension.City;' ) c; GO -- (116295 rows affected) Option 2: create new table with the same structure as the remote table for the test and then INSERT the remote data CREATE TABLE [City]( [City Key] [int] NOT NULL, [WWI City ID] [int] NOT NULL, [City] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [State Province] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [Country] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL, [Continent] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL, [Sales Territory] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [Region] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL, [Subregion] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL, [Location] [geography] NULL, [Latest Recorded Population] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Valid From] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [Valid To] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL, [Lineage Key] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Dimension_City] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([City Key] ASC) ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO And now we can read the data from the Azure SQL Database from the local server using OPENROWSET and INSERT the data to the local table (remember the steps to allow OPENROWSET first as explained above) insert dbo.City SELECT c.* FROM OPENROWSET( 'MSOLEDBSQL' , ',1433;Database=WideWorldImportersDW-Full;UID=UserName;Pwd=password;' , 'select * from Dimension.City;' ) c; GO1.4KViews0likes1CommentRe: HADR_DATABASE_WAIT_FOR_TRANSITION_TO_VERSIONING
Hi yogii Please check the following article for more information and workaround: Query from one Database and load to another Database
Hi patwary8 your description is not clear to me. Please try to elaborate. What is "[].[SOURCEDATABASE].[DBO].[COURCETABLE]" Is this a linked server or you try to use a table in a remote server without even connect the server (which it is what seems you do and make no sense)? In general, assuming I got what you need correctly, then you can use linked server and you can use SELECT from OPENROWSET for example.1.5KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Create a function from a Procedure
Since my ability (probably other people here too) is very poor at reading minds and I can't test your server, please provide less vague stories (description of SP) and more details like the code of the SP and all relevant. In addition please try to present the expected result you want to get. Thanks476Views0likes0CommentsRe: Error Agent: "No status message was logged by the replication agent in 10 minutes..."
Hi haentschman There might be a latency, a lack of resources, or connectivity issues on the subscriber SQL server. Please check if the following post help you : > 2. Can i get a mail with this error? (or anything error ) you can Get email notifications for Error Log entries using the agent as explained here:
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Re: Get up and running faster with the new post-database creation experience on the Azure Portal
Thanks for sharing mbarickman Speaking about using the Azure Portal to manage the Azure SQL Database, I think that there is place to mention the "Query editor" tool which allows us to send q...1like0Comments