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Re: How reliable is for syncing data from Dropbox to SharePoint Document Libraries?
These speeds seem pretty good for a single source / target. Rather than the tool causing a slowdown it is generally service API limits which determine the speed. Where you will see benefits is when you are moving multiple locations at once. I would always recommend for anything larger than a few GB performing an initial sync and then a final "delta" when you are ready to switch3KViews0likes0CommentsAssigning Sensitivity Label via Unattended Script
I've come across an interesting problem recently. I have a requirement to set a group sensitivity label as part of an unattended automation script which I'm using application permissions and Graph calls with. Things I've tried: Setting the label via application permissions using Graph- this fails as the sensitivity label attribute is not available using app-only permissions Setting via delegated permissions using Graph - this fails as it turns out setting a label is not supported, only viewing Setting via Exchange Online PoSh V2 with Certificate auth - this fails as you need to be logged in as a user with a mailbox Setting via Exchange Online PoSh V2 with delegated permission - not possible I believe I might be missing something, any ideas? BTW I'm really trying to avoid allowing basic auth and storing credentialsSolvedRe: Guest user with Global admin role
Unfortunately this isn't resolved yet. Delegated Admin privileges works towards resolving this for CSP partners but granular permissions (GDAP) are not available (yet!) Moving users from Skype for Business On-Prem to Teams get-cspowershellendpoint error
Audi9112450 Sorry had a busy day yesterday and never managed to get back to this. You shouldnt need -proxypool at all to be honest so you can remove that bit if you like. The reason for your error is because you have the users synced with AD so their line URI comes from AD. In that case you can run the below. With this you should only be required to enter credentials once per CSV. Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector $session = New-CsOnlineSession -OverrideAdminDomain "" Import-PSSession -Session $session -AllowClobber $csv = import-csv "Path to my script.csv" $cred = get-credential ##Loop through all users in CSV foreach ($user in $csv) { ##Move User Move-CsUser -Identity $user.sipaddress -Credential $Cred -Target -movetoteams -Confirm:$true ##Grant Upgrade Policy Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -Identity $user.SipAddress -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams ##Grant dial plan Grant-CsTenantDialPlan $user.SipAddress -PolicyName DialPlan-Global ##Grant VR Policy Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy $user.SipAddress -PolicyName $user.routingpolicy Grant-CsTeamsCallingPolicy $user.SipAddress -PolicyName Tag:AllowCalling Set-CsUser $user.SipAddress -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true Get-CsOnlineUser $user.SipAddress | Select-Object UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled, HostedVoiceMail, OnPremLineURI, OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy, TeamsCallingPolicy, TeamsUpgradePolicy }Re: Moving users from Skype for Business On-Prem to Teams get-cspowershellendpoint error
Ok, I would add in a column for "RoutingPolicy" in your CSV and then change the Routing policy line to: Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy $user.SipAddress -PolicyName $user.routingpolicy If you add two lines as in your post it will set one and then the other for everyoneRe: Guest permissions under settings in a Team
Brian_H Ah I see, unfortunately not something that can be done via a setting. If it's a hard requirement then you could potentially use a scheduled Graph query to set the option to off: Update team - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs You would need to update the Guest Permissions with something like: "guestSettings": { "allowCreateUpdateChannels": false } Unfortunately it's not bullet proof but could be run on a schedule through Azure Automation or similar3KViews1like3CommentsRe: Moving users from Skype for Business On-Prem to Teams get-cspowershellendpoint error
Audi9112450 OK cool, I've tidied up and fixed some of the code in your script, the below should work but I haven't gotten to test it our so hopefully no typos in there! Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector $session = New-CsOnlineSession -OverrideAdminDomain "" Import-PSSession -Session $session -AllowClobber $csv = import-csv "Path to my script.csv" ##Loop through all users in CSV foreach ($user in $csv) { ##Move User Move-CsUser -Identity $user.sipaddress -Credential $Cred -Target -ProxyPool "" -Confirm:$true ##Grant Upgrade Policy Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy -Identity $user.SipAddress -PolicyName UpgradeToTeams ##Grant dial plan Grant-CsTenantDialPlan $user.SipAddress -PolicyName DialPlan-Global ##Grant VR Policy Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy $user.SipAddress -PolicyName mypolicyname Grant-CsTeamsCallingPolicy $user.SipAddress -PolicyName Tag:AllowCalling Set-CsUser $user.SipAddress -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -OnPremLineURI "tel:+9999" Get-CsOnlineUser $user.SipAddress | Select-Object UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, EnterpriseVoiceEnabled, HostedVoiceMail, OnPremLineURI, OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy, TeamsCallingPolicy, TeamsUpgradePolicy } One thing I've noticed, is the name of your VR policy "mypolicyname" or do you need to update that with the VR policy name?Re: Auto labeling instance counts for groups?
You could export the information types and create a new custom information type combining all three and then set the instance count to 3. Guest permissions under settings in a Team
You might also want to consider if you allow guest invitations to be sent from all users also: and for Teams / Groups / Sites, consider using sensitivity labels to control the level of access permitted: Moving users from Skype for Business On-Prem to Teams get-cspowershellendpoint error
This should help, Also check your internet settings and make sure if you are using a proxy to account for that as per: Teams for Free - "we cannot create a self-service azure ad account for you"
Self Service sign-up is most likely disabled in the previous tenant that owned the domain: You may need to readd the domain and enable it or ask the sender to use enable OTP as self-service sign up is being depreciated soon. Create New List Based on Existing List - Including Tasks
To copy the list items you could us potentially us an MS flow or PNP shell: Email Settings after hack
This is most likely a common attack that is used where attackers set up rules to autoforward and delete certain mails when they come in. Searching may be finding them in your deleted items? Check your mailbox rules ASAP to ensure there is no forwarding in place!1.2KViews0likes0CommentsRe: How to configure O365 Calendar for On-Prem custom Mail solutions
Unfortunately no. Teams doesn't actually have a calendar, it leverages Exchange / Exchange Online mailboxes. The closest you could get would be to build a solution to sync entries between an Exchange Online mailbox and your custom solution using Graph API. Backing up data and configuration from Microsoft lists
For the configurations you could call a Azure Function or Automation Runbook to run some Graph calls or PowerShell to retrieve and copy the configuration. You can use the PnP module to get the list settings by connecting to the users OneDrive site or the SharePoint site depending on if it's a SharePoint List or Microsoft List (user Lists app). It's not ideal and you may not be able to get everything but that's the closest I think you would get right now.