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Azure B2B guest users licensing question
Hello, I am working on Azure B2B in order to add guest users in my Azure AD tenant. I am wondering how to know the following information? The document explains: "B2B guest user licensing is automatically calculated and reported based on the 1:5 ratio. Additionally, guest users can use free Azure AD features with no additional licensing requirements. Guest users have access to free Azure AD features even if you don’t have any paid Azure AD licenses." As reported here:,myguest users use only free Azure AD features, such as: User provisioning User and group management (add/update/delete) So my question is,the 1:5 ratio is also applied for free Azure AD features? Am I subject to this ratio even if guest users use free AAD features? Can I see somewhere on the portal if I exceed this limit? Thank you. Nicolas39KViews0likes5Comments
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