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Re: Music on Hold in Teams & 4 seconds until Hold is in place for caller
Hi, I had a music on hold problem that may shed some more light on this issue. The Microsoft support team was helpful in resolving this on their back end, as it was an issue on their back end specific to my country (in APAC region). However read on, as this may also apply to your Country/Region. This was a Microsoft Teams direct routing solution I implemented in combination with an on premise PBX. Issue was that when a Teams user called out to the PSTN, and placed the call on hold, there would be silence for around 10-15 seconds then the call would disconnect. Call flow was as below MS Teams User > SIP > Teams Voice System > SIP > SBC > SIP > on Premise PBX > H323 > Gateway > ISDN/PRI > PSTN. After troubleshooting each component on our end we found that it was Microsoft that was sending a disconnect due what looked to be a timeout after the Microsoft Teams user put the PSTN party on hold. We logged a support call mith microsoft support. They explained that music on hold is handled by a bot. The back end Microsoft phone system was summoning a music on hold bot based in North America, even though our O365/Teams tenancy was in the APAC region. This caused a network delay resulting in a disconnect from the Microsoft side. As you can see below, the delay between the REFER and the BYE messages is 14 seconds REFER from Microsoft at 12:23:37 BYE from Microsoft at 12:23:51 Microsoft found that they had not deployed the Music on Hold Bot component in the country that my tenency was based, (It is in APAC region). Initially they replied saying there was no short term solution, but there were plans to do either of the following: (1) Increase the timeout to prevent a disconnect (2) Deploy the Music on Hold bot component in my country's O365/Teams tenancy, so that the call wouldn't have to traverse to North America from APAC region. As a result of our support call Microsoft decided to deploy the missing component in the O365/Teams tenancy for my country. After this compoment was deployed, the issue was resolved. Calls are now playing music on hold with an unoticeable delay of around 1-2 seconds. So I suggest that if you are experiencing any delay when placing calls on hold, open a case with Microsoft and see if the music on hold BOT being summoned is in the same region as your tenancy, or if it is going to another Country/Region, which may cause the same network delay that we experienced. I've listed the SIP flow of a failed scenario and a working scenario, with some details removed for privacy. You can see in the failed scenario that Microsoft sends a Bye message after a timeout of 14 seconds. In the working scenario, there is another node involved on the Microsoft side, also no Bye timeout message like in the failed scenario. Rather, there is a new INVITE sent out when I pressed the resume button on the teams client to take the PSTN called party off hold. I hope this helps anyone with this issue! MUSIC ON HOLD FAILED SCENARIO BEFORE MICROSOFT DEPLOYED MUSIC ON HOLD BOT IN MY REGION F20 | REFER | -> Device | 12:23:37 REFER sip:{REMOVED}:5061;transport=tls SIP/2.0 FROM: {REMOVED};user=phone>;tag=28c0b1e27a2f49ad86bd6f901db1c23e TO: <sip:{REMOVED}:5061>;user=phone;tag=17670549~318b362f-6991-45ef-a03b-77797077778f-30868965 CSEQ: 4 REFER CALL-ID: 06d3c243ef90595ea9dee7f6836f8ee0 MAX-FORWARDS: 70 VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKacdf4564 CONTACT: <;x-i=ccdee34b-d2af-4991-9b57-07cc512b9b38;x-c=06d3c243ef90595ea9dee7f6836f8ee0/d/8/d2b5b977d51d4991b9463ba5777fa9f6> CONTENT-LENGTH: 0 REFER-TO: <;transport=tls;x-m=8:orgid:752b3414-9b11-4522-8b49-2d866e902a6b;x-t=479e69d1-78bc-4e1a-81dd-047fe9928e1f> REFERRED-BY: <;x-m=8:orgid:752b3414-9b11-4522-8b49-2d866e902a6b;x-t=479e69d1-78bc-4e1a-81dd-047fe9928e1f;x-ti=ccdee34b-d2af-4991-9b57-07cc512b9b38;x-tt=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGktZHUtYy1hdXNlLnBzdG5odWIubWljcm9zb2Z0LmNvbS92MS9uZ2MvY2FsbG5vdGlmaWNhdGlvbj9kY2k9YjUyZmUyZmEzYmFlNDg5NGFjY2RkZjcwZGQzNzcwY2Y%3D> USER-AGENT: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.6.4.2 i.ASSE.2ALLOW: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY This was the SIP disconnect message from Microsoft F39 | BYE | -> Device | 12:23:51 BYE sip:{REMOVED}:5061;transport=tls SIP/2.0 FROM: <>;tag=8a3b513825004cd0a64a6e5e363c5d5a TO: <sip:{REMOVED};user=phone>;tag=1c584506143 CSEQ: 1 BYE CALL-ID: 7111332091762020122335@{REMOVED} MAX-FORWARDS: 70 VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bK213262b6 REASON: Q.850;cause=16;text="ce6ac059-43ea-44b8-8ad6-b2cabbb0f1e3;Call ended by media agent." CONTACT: <;x-i=ce6ac059-43ea-44b8-8ad6-b2cabbb0f1e3;x-c=b52fe2fa3bae4894accddf70dd3770cf/s/1/d2b5b977d51d4991b9463ba5777fa9f6> CONTENT-LENGTH: 0 USER-AGENT: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.6.4.2 i.ASSE.0 ALLOW: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC ON HOLD WORKING SCENARIO AFTER MICROSOFT DEPLOYED MUSIC ON HOLD BOT IN MY REGION (Placed a PSTN party on hold from Microsoft Teams and took them off hold, Music was playing, no delay) F14 | REFER | -> Device | 11:54:32 REFER sip:{REMOVED}:5061;transport=tls SIP/2.0 FROM: {REMOVED}<sip:{REMOVED};user=phone>;tag=c00ce9d58f3c43c8b26e31d34e10de6c TO: <sip:{REMOVED}:5061>;user=phone;tag=20386857~318b362f-6991-45ef-a03b-77797077778f-30875372 CSEQ: 2 REFER CALL-ID: 733faf29cc2253acb14d245441d0acc2 MAX-FORWARDS: 70 VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKbf649f34 CONTACT: <;x-i=d50e53f6-f50a-4629-be5c-73d96231c2ee;x-c=733faf29cc2253acb14d245441d0acc2/d/8/63764455e1f84bf5b64e95408110e975> CONTENT-LENGTH: 0 REFER-TO: <;transport=tls;x-m=8:orgid:752b3414-9b11-4522-8b49-2d866e902a6b;x-t=479e69d1-78bc-4e1a-81dd-047fe9928e1f> REFERRED-BY: <;x-m=8:orgid:752b3414-9b11-4522-8b49-2d866e902a6b;x-t=479e69d1-78bc-4e1a-81dd-047fe9928e1f;x-ti=d50e53f6-f50a-4629-be5c-73d96231c2ee;x-tt=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGktZHUtYi11c3dlMi5wc3RuaHViLm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20vdjEvbmdjL2NhbGxub3RpZmljYXRpb24%2FZGNpPTdmODJhYmNiYjZkYjQyOTRhNTk3MTZjNWU5ZWVhNDlj> USER-AGENT: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.7.8.1 i.ASEA.7 ALLOW: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY INVITE sent from Microsoft to SBC when I pressed resume on Microsoft teams after having called party on hold for around 25 seconds. F32 | INVITE (SDP) | -> Device | 11:55:00 INVITE sip:{REMOVED}:5061;user=phone;transport=tls SIP/2.0 FROM: {REMOVED}<sip:{REMOVED};user=phone>;tag=87c2020910e747e9ab0a429d36fa1d2a TO: <sip:{REMOVED}:5061;user=phone> CSEQ: 1 INVITE CALL-ID: 4fa906f2160c5fa693030031394afd3b MAX-FORWARDS: 70 VIA: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKc2d37118 RECORD-ROUTE: <;transport=tls;lr> CONTACT: <;x-i=fce5c483-4248-4e32-ad7a-3f87d9f31188;x-c=4fa906f2160c5fa693030031394afd3b/d/8/5567c7f5631c42af9ee7ef8995db7adc> CONTENT-LENGTH: 1108 MIN-SE: 300 SUPPORTED: timer USER-AGENT: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.7.8.1 i.ASEA.5 CONTENT-TYPE: application/sdp ALLOW: INVITE,ACK,OPTIONS,CANCEL,BYE,NOTIFY REQUIRE: replaces REPLACES: {REMOVED}@{REMOVED};from-tag=7a7716055ac64a4cbefb94e30bb518f1;to-tag=1c759665711 SESSION-EXPIRES: 3600 v=0 o=- 80140 0 IN IP4 s=session c=IN IP4 b=CT:10000000 t=0 0 m=audio 50908 RTP/SAVP 104 9 103 111 18 0 8 97 101 13 118 c=IN IP4 a=rtcp:50909 a=ice-ufrag:+D8R a=ice-pwd:{REMOVED} a=rtcp-mux a=candidate:1 1 UDP 2130706431 50908 typ srflx raddr {REMOVED} rport 50908 a=candidate:1 2 UDP 2130705918 50909 typ srflx raddr {REMOVED} rport 50909 a=candidate:2 1 tcp-act 2121006078 49152 typ srflx raddr {REMOVED} rport 49152 a=candidate:2 2 tcp-act 2121006078 49152 typ srflx raddr {REMOVED} rport 49152 a=label:main-audio a=mid:1 a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:{REMOVED} a=sendrecv a=rtpmap:104 SILK/16000 a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000 a=rtpmap:103 SILK/8000 a=rtpmap:111 SIREN/16000 a=fmtp:111 bitrate=16000 a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000 a=fmtp:18 annexb=no a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 a=rtpmap:97 RED/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=fmtp:101 0-16 a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000 a=rtpmap:118 CN/16000 a=ptime:20 DaveChomi @VickiFHL @Murray Walker @HendGamal21KViews0likes4Comments
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