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Re: Update licence seems to not activate Copilot.. gettign redirected to FAQ url
brunomacedo Being on Current Channel or Monthly Enterprise Channel is a hard requirement for the Microsoft 365 Apps to use Copilot. You will have to talk to whoever owns admin permissions in your environment to get your install switched from Semi-Annual to either Current or Monthly Enterprise.1.1KViews0likes2CommentsRe: Update licence seems to not activate Copilot.. gettign redirected to FAQ url
Copilot for Microsoft 365 is only available if the Microsoft 365 Apps are configured to run on Current or Monthly Enterprise Channel. Launch Word, Check File > Account. In the 'About Word' section it states your update channel. If this is something different from Current or Monthly Enterprise Channel, you need to talk to your admin to get your device configured to run one of the two channels for Microsoft 365 Apps. Here is a how to for your admin: Office bypassing Target Version set by Intune
brenzphi If you want to offboard just a subset of devices, then I would recommend excluding those using an Entra group: For fully disabling Cloud Update, check out After excluding devices or disabling the profile, device will automatically be offboarded (ignoreGPO=0) on next check-in. Please allow at least 24h for processing. Note: Using the Channel Change feature in Inventory will enable the cloud update profiles again, so if you go for disabling the whole profile, omit using this feature to prevent the profile from being re-enabled and onboarding devices again.1.3KViews0likes0CommentsRe: What is the eligible license that need to be assigned to each user account for RDS/shared computer ?
Office365Buddy You need to assign licenses from one of the plans mentioned in the requirements section. Hence, an Microsoft 365 Business Standard plan is not sufficient for RDS usage. Side note: I submitted a change to our documentation to clarify the section you pointed out, thanks for highlighting this.199Views1like0CommentsRe: Channel MonthlyEnterprise
wygcuba If you have downloaded the setup.exe (aka Office Deployment Tool) from the Microsoft Download center, you need to provide an XML to it. Otherwise it has no instructions what to do. Check out Overview of the Office Deployment Tool - Microsoft 365 Apps | Microsoft Learn.516Views0likes0CommentsRe: Microsoft Inventory Unsupported Builds
oryxway I'm referring to the Microsoft 365 Apps version. The inventory in the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center is reporting on Microsoft 365 Apps version support only, not Windows support. If the devices in question are on Current Channel or Monthly Enterprise Channel, we would recommend to enable Cloud Update and let those/all devices updated automatically. So a step-by-step guide here: Enabling and configuring cloud update - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn, the full documentation of Cloud updates is located here: Overview of cloud update in the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn. If the unsupported version are from other channels, the required actions depend on your management solution (e.g. SCCM or Intune). In general it is not necessary to reinstall those devices, but rather make sure that those have a proper Microsoft 365 Apps update management applied, so devices will stay current in the long term.1.1KViews0likes3CommentsRe: How to exclude none Entra registered devices from 365 app update
blee15 If we are talking Cloud Update here, an easy method would be to extend the deadline to e.g. 5 days. During these five days, there shouldn't be a prompt to users, so they can use the VM/server undisrupted. If there is no way to join the devices to Entra ID and extended the deadline is not sufficient, you could block the endpoint from the network the VMs are running in. This would prevent the devices from receiving update commands from the service. Caveat: Cloud Policies for Office would also be blocked! If you use those, blocking the service endpoint is not an option, otherwise the policies can not be downloaded and applied.455Views0likes0CommentsRe: How to turn off or disable 365 Servicing Profiles?
Sure, navigate to, sign in (not required), locate and hit the feedback button in the upper right corner. Send us a message and make sure to include your email, so we see the domain/tenant which request is coming from.1.6KViews1like1CommentRe: Change Channel to Current Channel
Have you reviewed the !Note section as well? I would suspect that you are using Intune to install the Microsoft 365 Apps as well, the app is configured to Semi-Annual and now the 'install' and the 'update' logic are fighting over each other. Also check out MS365 E3 promo page says it includes Visio, just like all the other apps listed
The page and flyout promise a service called Visio which allows you to create and view flowcharts. And this is what you get when you subscribe to E3. It does not promise that you get a local, Win32, standalone app. And no local app is needed to perform the tasks called out on the flyout. Not a lawyer, but I don't see this as 'clearly misleading'.925Views0likes0CommentsRe: Microsoft 365 Apps download file stream.x64.x-en-us.dat that too large ~ 2GB
Can you share more details on which channel you have selected for the installation and which build the devices were on prior to the update? The file stream.x64.en-us.dat basically holds the language-specific (in this case en-us) parts of the Microsoft 365 Apps. With every udpate, those language packs are also updated. But if the update is performed by the update engine (not running the setup again) only the delta will be downloaded, not the whole file.2.5KViews0likes0Comments