Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesAnnouncing new pub-sub capabilities in Azure Event Grid Announcing new capabilities enhancing MQTT compliance, simplifying security, and facilitating seamless integrations. Re: Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid Mike7mddEvent Grid has MQTTv5 support in GA based on the MQTTv5 specification, as opposed to IoT hub. Please read this document to learn more about the MQTT features that are supported in Event Grid...Re: Announcing MQTT Last Will and Testament Public Preview in Azure Event Grid This error means that your client doesn't have publish access on the last-will topic specified. You have to ensure that your client has publish access on the will topic before connecting. This is ach...Announcing MQTT Last Will and Testament Public Preview in Azure Event Grid Announcing MQTT Last Will and Testament (LWT) Public Preview in Azure Event Grid's MQTT Broker capability.LWT enables your MQTT clients to get notified with the abrupt disconnections of other MQTT c...Azure Event Grid's MQTT Broker Performance Performance test results for Azure Event Grid's MQTT broker capability. Re: Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid Thomas_Skantech_euThe MQTT broker capability in Event Grid is already in GA as of mid-November. Here is the link to the GA announcement blog: Re: Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid AndrewMcLachlan-WILRetain flag support is also high on our priority list. Re: Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid MatonenPrivate endpoint support is coming soon in a couple of months. gleauteLast Will and Testament support is tentatively planned for Q1 of 2024. Shared Subscription is a little further in our ...Re: Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid DavidGallego2335hello! please contact askmqtt@microsoft.comwith any questions or issues. Re: Announcing public preview of MQTT protocol and pull message delivery in Azure Event Grid Roman_Kiss You can use the same link to share your feedback (Azure Event Grid ยท Community), and we will review it and categorize it appropriately. Thanks a lot for the great ideas! The first idea m...