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Microsoft's recommendation regarding traffic inspection of m365 traffic
Hi, does anyone know, what is microsoft's official recommendation to prevent any attackers from distributing malware via microsoft's own cloud resources like discussed at Cloud storage from Microsoft, Google used in malware attacks • The Register? According to microsoft's networking principles, traffic related to Microsoft 365 shouldn't be inspected by any networking component and routed directly to microsoft (bypassing proxies and other traffic inspection solutions). How can this be configured safely, when there is such attack path?Re: Purview Adoption KIT
PauloCarnelos only the one mentioned at End User Training for Sensitivity Labels in M365 – How to Accelerate Your Adoption - Microsoft Community Hub Unfortunately this is already a couple of years old. Would be great to have contents updated to the current capabilities.344Views0likes0CommentsRe: Logs of Microsoft 365 Copilot
Hello LeonPavesic , do the local office instances have any logs regarding copilot in case of any loading issues? We are experiencing troubles with copilot for m365 (but only when using copilot inside the locally installed office instances). When using office online, copilot works fine. We expect some connectivity issues but haven't found the root cause yet. Having any logs would speed up the troubleshooting14KViews0likes0CommentsSharePoint hybrid cloud search and copilot for Microsoft 365
Hello, does anyone know, if onpremises content crawled by a SharePoint cloud hybrid search (index in the cloud) can be ingested by Copilot for Microsoft 365? I didn't found an official statement yet. Furthermore would it be possible to crawl a Fileshare content by an onpremises SP farm and use the hybrid configuration to "feed" copilot? I know the preferred way for that case would be a graph connector, but I was just wondering if such scenario would work an would be supported.1.4KViews0likes2CommentsRe: Effects of changing the Organization name
Hello KailashNteam, did you found out any found out anything regarding renaming the org name for OneDrive within the file explorer? All described workarounds in this thread seem not to work properly and are limited to active end user involvement. How can we ensure, that the org name is updated at large scale across an entire organization with thousands of users and devices? br Gottfried4.6KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Invite people to site: default no invitation email?
Indeed, that would be really useful! Does anyone know if there are plans to configure another default behaviour in the future? We have a org-wide group consisting of 10.000+ accounts which can be granted permissions within SharePoint. When this happens, every single user gets an invitation e-mail which is really disturbing. I guess currently we can only configure any mailflow rule on the Exchange side to prevent such things in the future...1.9KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Board view in SharePoint Online / Microsoft Lists
ganeshsanap do you know, if Microsoft Lists will support document libraries any time in future (or is this already the case as document libraries derive from lists)? I'm looking for a board view for document sets (with status and datetime columns) within a SharePoint document library.61KViews2likes6CommentsAzure AD B2B - Consumer Account Domain List
Hi, we plan to invite hundreds of different external users with different mail addresses to our AAD tenant by AAD B2B. Therefore we created a csv file which will be used as input for a PS script that leverages the B2B API. We are not 100% sure, if the external users already have an existing AAD Tenant nor if some accounts are treated as consumer accounts. That would be really important for us to know, as this leads to a different signup process from the end user perspective (external AAD Tenant User vs. MS Account). Is there any list that shows what domains are treated as consumer domains by Microsoft? What about regional Mail providers? Are mail addresses with such mail domains already marked as consumer accounts by microsoft? So far I just know the usual suspects (e.g.,, but i didn't found any official list. best regards Gottfried1.2KViews0likes0CommentsAzure AD B2B - Consumer Account Domain List
Hi, we plan to invite hundreds of different external users with different mail addresses to our AAD tenant by AAD B2B. Therefore we created a csv file which will be used as input for a PS script that leverages the B2B API. We are not 100% sure, if the external users already have an existing AAD Tenant nor if some accounts are treated as consumer accounts. That would be really important for us to know, as this leads to a different signup process from the end user perspective (external AAD Tenant User vs. MS Account). Is there any list that shows what domains are treated as consumer domains by Microsoft? What about regional Mail providers? Are mail addresses with such mail domains already marked as consumer accounts by microsoft? So far I just know the usual suspects (e.g.,, but i didn't found any official list. best regards Gottfried1.2KViews0likes0CommentsFind all users in my tenant who are invited as guest in another tenant
Hello, as the discussion subject states, I would like to know, which users in my own tenant are invited in other tenants as guest user (e.g. invited in other tenants' teams). Is there any option, to find that out? The background is, that we need to find that out in a shadow (unmanaged) tenant, before deleting that tenant and starting with a new managed tenant. best regardsSolvedRe: Team App Permission Policies and App roll-out ring
Thank you for your resonse RealTime_M365 Do you mean to assign the app to individual teams like mentioned here Manage your apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs? That would only work for apps in the team scope, but not for apps in the personal scope. To be honest, I don't have any clue how to achive that. Do you have any link to a guideline where this approach is described in more detail? best regards Gottfried1.1KViews0likes0CommentsTeam App Permission Policies and App roll-out ring
Hello, our development department is constantly extending teams with new apps that should follow a staged roll-out deployment. First only an inner ring (developers) should be able to use the developed app, followed by a pilot-user ring. Finally when everything works as expected the app should be made available to all users. I wonder if there is a preferred way to design the app permission policies to achive that? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK permission policies don't accumulate each other, meaning custom policies don't include the allowed (or block excluded) apps from the global (org-wide) policy, which would help in that case. As this seems not to be the case, we currently have 3 permission policies (Dev, Pilot-User, Global) for that single purpose. What should we do in the future, if we have multiple apps (either self-developed, Microsoft, or Third-party) that should follow our ring approach as well? We can only assign 1 policy to a user at any point, so it would get quite complicated keeping the "approved" and globally rolled out apps in sync with the custom apps. Maybe I missed any essential point here but if not I would really welcome any other views on that.1.2KViews1like2CommentsRe: Find all users in my tenant who are invited as guest in another tenant
If anyone else is struggling with the same issue, I found following blogpost really useful. Seems that the Sign-In logs of AAD and Log Analytics can help in that case.11KViews1like0Comments
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