Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesGeneral Availability of Time to Live (TTL) for Managed Virtual Network in Azure Data Factory We are excited to announce the general availability of Azure Data Factory Managed Virtual Network Time to Live (TTL). Best practices for Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime Integration runtime is a core component of Azure Data Factory. Users can use the integration runtime created by default in Azure Data Factory or create it themselves, depending on the actu...Announcing public preview of Time-To-Live (TTL) in managed virtual network Today we’re excited to share the public preview of Time-To-Live (TTL) in managed virtual network. Background Managed virtual network provides customers with a secure and manageable data integrati...Azure Functions available in ADF managed virtual network Now you create a managed private endpoint in ADF against your Azure Functions and leverage private link to orchestrate it. New UI layout in Azure integration runtime creation and edit page We are going to release new UI layout in Azure integration runtime page. General availability (GA): Azure Data Factory managed virtual network Azure Data Factory (ADF) managed virtual network is now generally available. Diagnostic tool for self-hosted integration runtime Users can run this diagnostic tool to do a health check on self-hosted integration runtime and generate result report. How to access on premises data stores from ADF managed virtual network using Private Endpoint Azure Data Factory managed virtual network is designed to allow you to securely connect Azure Integration Runtime to your stores via Private Endpoint. Your data traffic between Azure Data Factory Man...Bootstrap ETL process by bringing Azure Purview assets into Azure Data Factory This blog describes how to bring Azure Purview assets into Azure Data Factory. Analyze root cause and impact using ADF ETL lineage in Azure Purview This blog describes how to analyze root cause and impact using ADF ETL lineage in Azure Purview.