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Combine Filter and sort in PowerApps
Hi, I am hoping someone can help me with a problem I am having: I have a gallery in PowerApps. The data source is a SharePoint List (OOSListAT). Now I want to filter this after a yes/no choice field called "Closed". The comman I used under items for this was the following (and it worked): Filter(OOSListAT,Closed.Value = "no") Now I also want to add a function to sort the displayed value. The following code I used also worked: SortByColumns(AddColumns(OOSListAT,"Product2",Product_x0020_Presentation.Value),"Product2",If(SortDescending1,Descending,Ascending)) The column "Product_x0020_Presentation" is a look-up field in the sharpoint list. Now I want to combine those two functions, but I can't seem to get it to work. Also I would really like to add the function to search the gallery because there will be more than one entry for example for ProductA. So I want the option to enter 'ProductA' in the search bar and get all entries for this product. Is this possible? This is how my app looks at the moment (the search bar doesn't yet work). Can anyone help me with that? Thank you!Re: Powerapps filter Gallery
Thank you so much! I actually was pretty close to this solution, i just forgot the .Value after Closed ChrisWebbTech I have follow-up question regarding your post: when you say delegated query, do you mean that the job gets passed on to sharepoint? I think I read about this, but I am not sure if this is what you mean here? It has something to do with powerapps being only able to use a limited number of rows? 500 I think? Thanks again for your help! ChristinaPowerapps filter Gallery
Hi, I am creating a power app to view and make entries in a sharepoint list. Now I created a new Screen with a gallery and the source is my sharepoint list. In the list, there is a field that is called "closed" and it has a drop down menu with yes/no. Now I want this particular gallery to only show the lines of the sharepoint list were the field "closed" is set to 'No'. Is there any way to do that? I experimented a bit by changing the following line, but nothing seems to work. For any help I would be greatful! Thanks ChristinaSolvedNaming of attachments in Flow
I have the following question: I have created a flow to save attachments from a certain mail address to sharepoint. Now I want to name the files with flow when I save them in sharepoint. The name of the file should be the subject of the mail, but only part of it (the mails are always named the same since they are autogenerated from a system). The subject of the mails is like this: text text 11849850 - text Now I want the file that is saved on sharepoint only to have the number that is in the subject line as the name. I think this should be possible with functions but I can't get it to work. Can anybody help me with this? Thank you!Solved
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