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I have managed to work out how to generate a dynamic URL using CONCATENATE and JSON formatting which looks something like this: So the upshot is this column displays a 4-digit number which links to the article in the Knowledge library by combining the root URL with the entry in [TRAIN_ArticleURL]. So far so good. However, I would like not to display the fields that are being concatenated in the default view - just display the article title and the 4-digit article ID. But if I create a view that doesn't have those columns, then the article ID field doesn't display anything. Is there a workaround for this?438Views0likes0CommentsRe: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young Don't know how I missed that, but I rectified it and am still having this error. I'm basically trying out different connectors and seeing if any of them work. This is the current configuration: This is the error: I have googled the 'branching condition' error but it doesn't cast a lot of light.Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young OK, the story so far - to recap, select a document from a SharePoint library, then the flow prompts sender to enter the Reviewer Email and Due Date, and sets the document status to Under Review; Approval status is set to No by default. That all works: . Then the plan is that the reviewer has the set number of days to review the document and make any changes, THEN clicks Approve. The idea is that this changes the approval status to Approved and the file status to Reviewed, telling the Sender that the review is completed. This is the part that isn't working: Following the thread suggested above, I found out about the 'ETag' which apparently is required to track document approvals - that is why I added the step 'get file metadata', before 'Set content approval status'. But now the flow is failing with this error: Status Failed Error Action 'Get_file_metadata' failed.Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young >Can you share the Flow? I hadn't thought of doing that - I think my organisation might not be happy for me to do that, and I'm not inclined to ask, as they're not providing any support for Flow/SharePoint. I'll read through that other post carefully and see if I can resolve it. Thanks.Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young I'm trying to work in an Approval process now, like this: It all works - to a point. When file is Sent the Doc Status is set to Under Review (you can see it change, which is neat!) Then it's 'wait for Approval' while the reviewer does the review and after finishing, clicks Approve. I want the Approve action to trigger 'change Doc Status to Ready' as per the following. This last step isn't working, I'm getting this error: Any tips or guidance appreciated.Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young One thing I could do is add a step where, on the 'due by' date, the document status is changed to 'reviewed'. I've also discovered that you can set an expiry date on a shared link, so you could set that to equal the Due Date. So I think overall I can get to a solution using these techniques and thanks again for your input, it's been invaluable.Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young The issue is, our unit manager doesn't want to grant access to the site/library. We're using the Link Sharing feature to send the link out, and the reviewer can open, review and save the document without having to interact with the library at all. So I'm trying to work out how to flag the file as 'review completed' by having some remote action that the reviewer performs updating the file properties. 'Spooky action at a distance'.Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young Now I realize that I had set that random-looking approval request flow myself. I had been fiddling around with another flow and then forgot that I'd set it. Anyway, the final step in the flow I'm trying to get to is that the Reviewer can signify 'finished reviewing'. Reviewer can open the document, make changes and comments and save it over a period of several days, but it would be great for them to be able to say 'completed' when they're done. I'm thinking, maybe I could create a link to an action and send that link out with the cover email, so the last line in the email would say 'when done, click this link'. Would that work?Re: Send a document for review Part 2
Norman Young SinhaKislay One more point - I notice if I turn on 'require content approval' for the library in which this Flow is running, then in addition to the email sent by the Flow, another email is automatically generated that looks like this: but clicking on Approve doesn't feedback to the Approval Status field. I think this is something to do with the site settings, not anything I can control through Flow.Send a document for review Part 2
A couple of weeks ago I posted a question about setting up a flow where you entered a user email and it sent a link to a SharePoint user asking him/her to review the document. It worked fine and I learned a lot from implementing it. I've now been asked for some enhancements for this process. Flow would still be triggered by clicking on Send for Review link. The sending user would be prompted to (1) enter the reviewer email and then (2) enter a Date Due. I can't figure out how to "prompt" the user to enter a value such as Date Due. The reviewer would be instructed in the email to review the document, make comments etc using the normal MS Word tools. But it would be great if the reviewer could then signify 'reviewing finished'. I'm guessing that this could be done via the Approve button (i.e. user finishes review then clicks Approve.) Also would like to be able to send a reminder email to reviewer 2 days after Date Sent for Review. I think that this will require the Content Approval function to be switched on in the library - I had been trying to avoid that but it might be necessary for this flow. Any input or guidance appreciated!SolvedRe: SharePoint - MS Word Content Review Flow - Reality Check
Hi Norm - one problem I'm now encountering is this: "status": 400, "message": "The expression \"ID eq\" is not valid.\ This is strange because when I first entered that string yesterday it seemed to fix the problem I was encountering. But this morning it's failing with that message.
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