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Roadmap for PDF reader in Microsoft Edge
Over the course of last year, we worked hard on building a powerful PDF reader that offers compatibility, reliability, and security for you and your organization. The feedback we received from you from the Edge Insider builds has been really encouraging, and here are some of the most asked features that are available today, across Windows, Mac, and Linux: Reading and Navigation: Table of Contents enables you to view the contents of PDF files and navigate to different parts seamlessly, improving your productivity. Page view enables you to view the PDF file in a book format, with the option to view the cover page separately. Caret mode lets you navigate through your PDF files and select text directly through your keyboard by enabling Caret mode by pressing F7. Accessibility support including keyboard accessibility, screen reader support, and capability to view PDFs in high contrast mode. Fill basic PDF forms directly in the browser. (Please note that XFA forms are currently not supported) Annotation tools: Ink on PDF files with colors and stroke width of your choice. Text notes can be added quickly to text in the file to jot down thoughts for easy reference later. Create highlights with Highlight mode enables you to draw attention to parts of the PDF that you find interesting. With Highlight mode, you can now create highlights directly by selecting text, as you would do with a highlighter and paper. In-context annotations opens a quick menu right when you select text on PDF files, enabling you to take quick actions as highlight, copy without losing context. Enterprise and Education: Read Aloud is now supported on PDF documents. You can use it either to retain focus while reading through it or to listen to PDF documents while multitasking! Dictionary and search through in-context menu keeps helps you understand the content and research better, while keeping you in context. Open Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Information Rights Management (IRM) protected PDFs and view permissions seamlessly within Microsoft Edge, without the need of any add-ins. MIP adds a layer of security to your documents. It ensures that only the users who have certain permissions such as view, copy, annotate can take those actions on the file. Hence, no matter where the document goes, the data of your organization remains secure. Viewing MIP files protected in other tenants: This will enable you to view the files protected in other organizations, or in other tenants in the organization. Certificate based Digital Signatures, which is currently under preview allows you to view and validate digital signatures present on PDF documents directly in the browser. Here are the features we’re currently working on: View recovery: On re-opening a PDF file, reach your last-read location easily. File preview of PDF files in File Explorer and Outlook Add text box annotations: Add text boxes to fill forms, or take notes on PDFs Validate Certificate based Digital Signatures: We’re currently working on adding support for signatures with long-term validity. Further down the line: Viewing labels of protected files Digital Signatures: Validating ETSI signatures Add Digital Signatures Accessibility improvements: Advanced capability to fill forms and navigate through a PDF document using screen readers. We are actively looking at feedback from you about the features you find important. Please feel free to comment below or submit detailed feedback through the browser by going to " ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback”.67KViews24likes125CommentsRe: Roadmap for PDF reader in Microsoft Edge
Doug Punchak: Can you confirm if the users trying to access PDF files are in the same tenant as the ones where the files were protected? The support for viewing protected files across tenants is currently being rolled out in Edge Canary. It will be available in Stable around end of May.5.1KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Roadmap for PDF reader in Microsoft Edge
pmonfette-ns: Thanks for sharing the details. The support for opening protected files in other business tenants is currently being added, as mentioned as " Viewing MIP files protected in other tenants: This will enable you to view the files protected in other organizations, or in other tenants in the organization. " There is about a month's time before we're able to get it to Canary. Do you also need to share the files with consumers? Doug Punchak: Is the issue you're facing also with external customers?8.8KViews1like7CommentsRoadmap for PDF reader in Microsoft Edge
Update - March 1st, 2021: We've published an updated version of this roadmap. Check out Aditi's update over here, and we encourage you to continue to drop your PDF reader feedback into the comments of that post! Over the course of last year, we worked hard on building a powerful PDF reader that fulfils the needs of compatibility, reliability and security for you and your organization. The feedback we received from you with the Edge Insider builds has been really encouraging, and here are some of the most asked features that are available today, across Windows and Mac: Create highlights with Highlight mode: Draw attention to parts of the PDF that you find interesting with Highlights. With Highlight mode, you can now create highlights directly by selecting text, as you would do with a highlighter and paper. Fill PDF forms Ink on PDF files with colors and stroke width of your choice View PDFs in Dark mode Open Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Information Rights Management (IRM) protected PDF and view permissions Accessibility support including keyboard accessibility, screen reader support, and capability to view PDFs in high contrast mode Read Aloud Here are the features we’re currently working on: Smoother scroll experience: We are bringing the smooth scroll of Legacy Edge to the modern browser. (Edge 086: In Canary, Dev, and Beta today) Table of Contents: You will soon be able to view the contents of PDF files and navigate through the file with the same. (Edge 086: In Canary, Dev, and Beta today) Text notes: With this, you will be able to add their own notes to text in PDF files. These notes will travel with the PDF. Protected PDF files: Microsoft Information Protection adds a layer of security to your documents. It ensures that only the users who have certain permissions as view, copy, annotate can take those actions on the file. Hence, no matter where the document goes, the data of your organization remains secure. Viewing labels of protected files: You will soon be able to view the sensitivity labels Viewing MIP files protected in other tenants: This will enable you to view the files protected in other organizations, or in other tenants in the organization. Digital signatures: View and validate certificate based Digital signatures on signed files. Accessibility improvements: With this, you will be able to fill PDF forms using screen readers, and navigate through PDF documents using caret mode. We are actively looking at feedback from you about the features you find important. Please feel free to comment below, or submit detailed feedback through the browser (Shift+Alt+I).191KViews42likes194CommentsRe: Roadmap for PDF reader in Microsoft Edge
Hello Lobotomik, Thanks a lot for sharing the detailed feedback. The suggestions surely make the reading experience smoother, be it about navigating back to where one was, to looking only at the relevant content by getting rid of the white space. The save icon surely does have some nostalgia to it 🙂 We will discuss the feedback to the team, which will help in prioritising the right set of features.57KViews1like0Comments
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