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Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesSimplifying Azure Diagnostics with Category Groups and the New Built-In Policies Microsoft released six Azure Initiatives in late May. These Initiatives simplify creating resource diagnostics settings. Revisiting Enterprise Policy as Code v10 As EPAC has reached version 10, it is time to revisit Enterprise Policy as Code (EPAC for short). We look into Release Flow, CSV files to efficiently define Policy effects, and improvements to Exempt...Re: Azure Policy Recommended Practices Jesse Loudon : Thank you for reporting this. I fixed the links. We recently renamed both the branch (to main) and the names of the scripts. Azure Policy Recommended Practices Azure Policy has multiple uses including general governance, monitoring setup, security, and compliance. This post provides helpful hints on how to develop and manage Azure Policy. Re: Azure Policy Recommended Practices joe-zuchora : Microsoft Defender for Cloud (aka Azure Security Center) has no way of knowing the structure of your MGs and therefore can only apply settings at subscription level. With EPAC (https://...Re: Azure Policy Recommended Practices amityadav : Hi, we do not provide support for Policy issues here. I recommend that you open a support ticket with Microsoft. Thank you. Re: Azure Policy Recommended Practices irshad: For policy, in the GitHub repo More generally: Use AzAdvertizer Roles - http...Re: Azure Enterprise Policy as Code – A New Approach gjonn1 : You are missing the pacEnvironmentSelector: "additionalRoleAssignments": { // "*" indicates the same settings for all Policy as Code environments ...Re: Azure Enterprise Policy as Code – A New Approach chanakanissanka in EPAC simply delete the definition file and the solution will remove it on the next deployment (see Anthony_W answer above). Re: Azure Enterprise Policy as Code – A New Approach chanakanissanka : While you can't use the details from EPAC, you can use the general approach, such as the diagram outlining the CI/CD flow. I think EPAC (EPAC is just a specialized form of IaC) is a...