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Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesDevelop Applications that use Sites.Selected permissions for SPO sites. Follow these steps to implement App Only Sites.Selected permissions for SharePoint Online sites. Create M365 Group with Sensitivity Label programmatically Creating the M365 group with Sensitivity Label starts the modern Team site with desired protection. This can be done with SPO Rest API or Microsoft Graph API, both require delegated permissions. OneDrive usage reports return GUIDs or pseudonymized values instead of actual data values. OneDrive usage reports and Graph API endpoints /reports/getOneDriveUsageAccountDetail started returning GUIDs for ownerDisplayName, ownerPrincipalName, and siteURL instead of the actual data v...Re: How to retrieve analytics information for Pages in the "Site Pages"? using Graph Get i Update: API only supports top 25 currently. Note that the API only only returns one activity per user per type, if user accessed the document multiple times, only the latest access activity is r...Provider Hosted App (PHA) application errors (TLS errors and 401 errors). Provider Hosted App (PHA) application errors (TLS errors and 401 errors). “The underlying connection was closed” or “System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by ...How to retrieve analytics information for Pages in the "Site Pages"? using Graph Get itemAnalytics? Making calls with just analytics endpoint /sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items/{item-id}/analytics will return null data as shown below: {'@odata.context': ' SharePoint 2010 workflow custom activity to SharePoint 2013 First published on TECHNET on May 09, 2013 This post is a contribution from Vitaly Lyamin, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team. Remove SharePoint assets deployed as part of SharePoint Framework solution First published on TECHNET on Jul 17, 2018 This post is a contribution from Aravinda Devagiri, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support teamSharePoint assets can be provisioned as part of th...Error building the client side webparts behind corporate proxy First published on TECHNET on Jul 17, 2018 This post is a contribution from Aravinda Devagiri, an engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support teamRecently I worked on a case, while trying to build...SharePoint Workflow Architecture – Part 3 First published on TECHNET on Mar 12, 2013 This blog post is a contribution from Andy Li, an Escalation Engineer with the SharePoint Developer Support team.