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Re: Links to Sharepoint Document in Excel Opens in Browser
Folks, you've derailed this thread onto a topic not really related to the original. This isn't about Teams links, and it's not about whether a link causes a file to download or not. Understood this may be a problem for you, but you should start a new topic rather than usurping this one. The original issue was that links created in Sharepoint open Office application files (e.g, XLSX) in the browser rather than in the native app regardless of the settings. This still isn't fixed, though Microsoft is perpetually monkeying around with things and has at least made it easier to edit created links (just delete everything starting with the "?" after the file extension in the URL). That said, the Advanced Settings for how documents open by default still have no effect on Sharepoint's behavior, so it's pointless to fuss with them.142KViews3likes1CommentRe: Links to Sharepoint Document in Excel Opens in Browser
domemsgroupThis doesn't work because there's no app registered by default in Windows to handle this link as you've constructed it, and none are offered by Windows. Beyond that, this is a kluge workaround and not a solution to the real problem. No typical user is going to edit hyperlinks - this platform is for people doing real everyday work, not techheads who are willing to code their way around Microsoft obstacles.169KViews2likes12CommentsRe: Links to Sharepoint Document in Excel Opens in Browser
Jon - that's impressive detective work, but Microsoft, are you kidding? Why do those settings exist in Sharepoint Administration if they don't actually work? Is the ridiculous kluge that Jon had to piece together really the only way to actually force O365 to open file links in their native applications instead of a browser? This behaviour completely flummoxes our users, especially if they don't happen to be logged into O365 in the browser, in which case the "Open in..." command doesn't appear in the menu bar. No standard user is going to go to the lengths (or know how to go to the lengths) Jon describes simply to get O365 to do what it should by rights do by default (and used to do, until somebody decided to change it a few months ago).181KViews10likes0Comments
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