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Teams Auto Attendant, where can the user configure vacation?
I have set up Teams Telephonie with Auto Attendant. I have added Authorized Users. I have setup a Voice application policy, allowed the necessary functions and assigned it to the authorized users. Those Authorized Users are now able to set the greetings messages of the Auto Attendant through the Teams App (Configuration, Calls). However, there seems no way to allow the autorized users to change vacation times and vacation greeting messages. Where can authorized users do this?Call out ID - can it be selected with Direct Routing?
I have setup two inbound queues ("S" and "B") with different resource accounts and phone numbers. I understand that with the right setting, the agent who is member of the two queues, should be able to select the outgoing number while dialing. In fact, the two possibilitieds are shown in the Teams client (3), (4). However, only the number that is assigned via Call ID policy can be selected and produces a valid outbound call (3) (and is the default (1), (2) as well). Selecting the other number (4), results in an error: “Der Anruf konnte nicht verbunden werde. Die gewählte Nummer ist ungültir, oder Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diesen Anruf zu tätigen….” (Translated to english: The call could not be connected. The called number is invalid, or you do not have the permission to make this call...") I tried everything I can think of, but I can't get it working. Anyone has a hoint for me? I believe i read somewhere in the forum that this won't work with Direct Routing. True? If yes, could you point me to the respective documentation? If yes, will it be possible eventually? Or with a trick? Thanks Dan28Views0likes0CommentsCreating a new excel table in Copilot Pro for Office 365. "Edit in Excel" missing.
It seems that the (free) web version of Copilot provides me with a function that I'd like to see in the (paid) Copilot for Office 365 as well. Perhaps someone would know how to enable this? Let's say I am entering the following in 'create a table with a side-by-side comparison of the technical specifications for the "HP LaserJet Pro 500 Color MFP M570dw", "HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M479fdw", and "HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M577dn"' What I get is a nice short table that offers me at the top right corner to edit that table in excel: If I enter the same in the Office 365 App, which is connected to my Office 365 account which has a Copilot for Office 365 subscription, I get this here (web content is enabled): There is no possibility to edit the table directly in excel. Using "Kopieren" (copy) in the lower left corner, I can get the content into an excel sheet, but the copied text also includes the paragraps before and after the table. I'd prefer the "Excel" button. Is there a way to enable this functionality in Copilot for Offcie 365? Thanks Dan260Views1like0CommentsUpgrade from Build 16.0.17231.20080 to Build 16.0.17231.20170 --> Copilot gone in Outlook
I had a Outlook desktop installation on Windows 11 with Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20080) 64 Bit on current channel. That version had Copilot working and running. Also the other apps like Word, Excel had Copilot working fine. The user has a Copilot for Office 365 license assigned. After updating to (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20170) 64 Bit Copilot is gone away, disapeared completely from Outlook. Word, Excel, Powerpoint still work fine with Copilot. Another peculiar thing is that in the account overview, it asks again to update the license ("Lizenz aktualisieren"). Doing this several times in a row did not fix it. In the version .20080 we did it once and all was good. Could it be that version .20170 is buggy? DanRe: Issues with implementing/deploy Copilot Pro
Interesting sidenote: On the same test user (me), I had a Outlook desktop installation on Windows 11 with (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20080) 64 Bit. That version had Copilot working and running. Then I decided to update to: (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20170) 64 Bit Copilot is gone away, disapeared completely from Outlook. Another change is that in the account overview, it asks me with a button "Lizenz aktualisieren". Doing this several times in a row did not fix it. In the version ..20080 I had to do this once and all was good. Could it be that version .20170 is buggy? (Word, Excel, Powerpoint still work fine with Copilot) Dan11KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Issues with implementing/deploy Copilot Pro
ProSolutions , thanks for your insights. I was able to get Copilot rolled out to most users/apps in the meantime. Main issue with desktop apps was that it had to be on actual channel. Monthly channel seemed not to work. However, I do have issues with a few Outlook implementations. Those desktop Outlook apps are on current channel (Microsoft® Outlook® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20170) 64 Bit) and all up to date. Lizenses has been rechecked in the account settings of the local app, but neither in classic not in the "new" Outlook GUI Copilot is available (no coaching, no writing, no Copilot icon). At the same time, Copilot is available on desktop versions of Word, Excel and Powerpoint on the same machine. And it's available in all online apps too. So it seems to be a local desktop Outlook issue. Fast repair and online repair did not fix the issue. I am looking forward to more suggestions 🙂 Dan11KViews0likes1CommentIssues with implementing/deploy Copilot Pro
We do have some issues with Microsoft 365 Copilot rollout to devices and users. Any hint or advice is welcome. Main issue is that Copilot is not shown in Office 365 Apps on the desktops, although all installations are up to date in monthly channel. How can I make Copilot working in desktop Word, Excel, PowerPoint? More Info: Add-on Copilot Licenses ("Microsoft 365 Copilot") are purchased and assigned to users in Office 365 more than 48 hours ago. All users have O365 Standard licenses, the Microsoft 365 Apps are on monthly channel and according all up to date on their devices. What "seems" to work with Microsoft 365 Copilot (not sure, though): In, the Copilot icon is visible and opens "Microsoft 365 Chat" with the colorful Copilot icon. What is not clear to me, do we really have Microsodft 365 Copilot here? There is nowhere an indication that it is different from the free version. There is however, a text that says "Your copilot for work". Does that mean this is the right Copilot? When opening with edge browser, making sure to be logged in with an account that has Copilot licensed, the header "Copilot" and below the text "for Microsoft 365" is visible. This seems the licensed version of Copilot, right? Copilot seems to work with all web applications I tested (Outlook OWA, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) What does not seem to work: Looking at the Office 365 Apps installed on the Windows PC's, Copilot is not to be visible. There is no "Update License" button, there is no setting in the spellchecking section (as mentioned in some articles I found). I did have one Office 365 Apps installation which was on the half-year channel, changed that to monthly channel and after the update there was a "Update License" button. After clicking, Copilot appeared in Word, Excel, Powerpoint. Good. But now, how can I trigger the other installations? When I do check for updsate on the currrent machines in monthly channel, they do not have anything to update. Question: Which update channel gets Copilot? All of them (over time?). Or just the actual channel now and the monthly/half-yearly channels at the next update? Copilot does not work in the standard desktop Outlook, but only in the "new" Outlook. Correct? Thanks Dan12KViews0likes8CommentsRe: Cannot add a domain to a new tenant since it seems to exist already in Office 365?
Thanks for all who responded. I got the thing working. I only had the hint of a****** for something called "Account Takeover"... So I created aliases that made sense for me starting with "a".. The 5th attempt was successful and I got an email with a link. From there it was simple. I got the login to a tenant that was called something like "" with the login of email address removed for privacy reasons. As it turned out, someone started that process, but stopped in the middle. So the domain "" was kind of reserved for Office 365, but not actually finalized the setup. After I finalized the setup, I changed the loginname of email address removed for privacy reasons to email address removed for privacy reasons, logged of, logged in again with the new name. Then removed the domain "" from that tenant "tenantnamecom". After that, I was able to add to my own tenant.. The tenant "tenantnamecom" now sits around idling for itself until it will be probably removed by Microsoft. I only assume that the whole thing was a leftover from the change of the VLA login procedures.. Perhaps those hints might help someone lese in the future. Dan2KViews1like0CommentsCannot add a domain to a new tenant since it seems to exist already in Office 365?
I need to add a domain to a new tenant (i.e., where "tenantname is equivalent to the domainname without the TLD. I use "" as a placeholder here). The Office 365 Admin center tells me that the domain (i.e. needs to be removed from another account. It says: "The domain could not be added to your accoint because another person has already used an email address that ends with "" and registred for Office 365" (or similar, I translate from German) I have no clue who is that and what is the person. The domain "" is clearly ours. What are the steps to get the domainname onto the the tenant? How do I find out which other tenant does hold the domainname in question? Thanks DanSolved2.1KViews1like5CommentsRe: Exporting to CSV. Can I use another character than " to enclose text?
Lorenzo Sure 🙂 First I export to a csv file. I am using ANSI encoding due to special characters. The script acts like sed(1) from linux. It replaces ';"' with ';' '";' with ';' '""' with '"' Example 6;"This is 3""";22 becomes 6;This is 3";22 Here is the rather simple script: # fixquotes.ps1 param ( [string]$FilePath ) # Read the content of the file $content = Get-Content -Raw $FilePath # Perform the desired replacements $newContent = $content -replace ';"', ';' -replace '";', ';' -replace '""', '"' # Remove empty lines at the end $newContent = $newContent.TrimEnd() # Get the original file extension $originalExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath) # Construct the output file path with the same basename and the desired suffix $originalBasename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath) $outputFilePath = "$originalBasename-quotesfixed$originalExtension" # Write the modified content to the output file with ANSI encoding $newContent | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath -Encoding Default # Optional: Display a message indicating success Write-Host "Replacements completed. Modified content saved to '$outputFilePath' with ANSI encoding." Have fun. Daniel950Views1like0CommentsRe: PQ: How to split a large column into 50 characters columns but split only at whitespace?
Thanks Lorenzo I have to admit, I am very hesitant to open an unknown excel file with external data connections on my working environment. I would like, though, since your solution interests me a lot. Is there any way you could share differently? Perhaps with the M code directly? I'm just very very careful. Or try to be 🙂 Daniel2.1KViews0likes6CommentsPQ: How to split a large column into 50 characters columns but split only at whitespace?
I have a large table (>80'000 rows) with a column (max width = 163) that I need to resize into smaller columns. The rules are: - split only at whitespaces - column size max 50 characters - 2 colums with with 50, third column with rest (charpos > 100). I can use PQ to split at whitespaces OR at 50 chars. But how can I split only at whitespaces while trying to make the first two columns 50 chars wide, if possible?2.3KViews1like11CommentsExporting to CSV. Can I use another character than " to enclose text?
(there is a similar question in, but the case described below has an issue with single doublequotes. Usually used for inch values like 3". That means I have an uneven number of doublequotes which triggers the use of doublequotes on export/save.) When I export an excel to a csv file, I could get something like this: Number;Some_text;Another_Number 1;"Hello there";33 3;"The length";77 That works fine as long as the second column does not contain something like 3" (=3 inch) So I get: Number;Some_Text;Another Number 1;Hello there;33 3;The length;77 6;"This is 3""";22 The csv needs to be imported into another system. That system can cope with another text enclosure character (like '). What it cannot cope with is the fact that there is suddenly 3"" (two double quote) instead of 3" (one double quote) the import would be easier, if the line would look like 6;'This is 3"';22 Can this be done? Yes, I could postprocess the csv through a text editor, but I do have a lot of variations of the text above. Perhaps i can teach excel to use single quotes to enclose text instead of double quotes? If yes, how? Thanks DanSolved1.2KViews0likes4CommentsRe: Split a row into several rows with almost same content. PowerQuery?
I unfortunately do not quite understand that solution. It looks like this is an example on how to do it with SQL in a webapp? I was looking for instructions on how to do this in Excel PowerQuery. Can this be done there too?526Views0likes2Comments
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