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Re: Accessibility Question about Heading Levels and Heading Styles
caroline2210This is highlighted in Microsoft's Accessibility Conformance Reports. Do a search for SharePoint Online and you can see it mentioned in the WCAG document in section: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships. Many Web Parts introduce a level 2 heading to pages without providing a means for users to change that heading level. For headings added to pages using the Text Web Part, the heading level the page author specifies is downgraded by one when presented to the end user (e.g., a heading a page author sets to level 1 will be presented as a heading level 2 in the final HTML). The purpose of this is to ensure that the page title is always the only heading level 1 on the page and to avoid conflicts with heading levels when users copy and paste from other sources. Tables added with the Text Web Part do not have column or row headers defined.2.1KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Power Automate for Date Difference using SharePoint Column Values
Active_Array See my implementation below. It's similar to Rob's in that it's using number of days for the Renewal Notice. The Document Library (below) has End Date, Renewal Notice Days (Choice field) and Owner (Person). All the fields are mandatory as we need them in our flow. The internal name for End Date is EndDate, and Renewal Notice Days is RenewalNoticeDays. Owner would be the person you would send the email to, informing them that their policy is ending soon. The main flow is below. I'll go into each of the actions. Recurrence is set to run at 1AM each day using my Brisbane time zone. Convert time zone converts the current UTC date to my Brisbane time zone and formats it as yyyy-MM-dd. Get files (properties only) gets all the files where the End Date is greater than today as we don't want past/expired policies. Filter array filters our list to only policies that should have a reminder sent out. It uses a bit of a nested expression, so I'll break it down. We want to end up with a formatted date in the format yyyy-MM-dd for our comparison with today's date (Convert time zone), so we wrap everything in a formatDateTime expression. Within there we use addDays to subtract the Review Notice Days from the End Date. To do this we need to convert it to an int (number) since it's a choice field, then multiple it by -1 so it subtracts instead of adds). formatDateTime(addDays(item()?['EndDate'], mul(int(item()?['RenewalNoticeDays/Value']), -1)), 'yyyy-MM-dd') We then compare that to the current date (Convert time zone). We can then just iterate over the items in the Filter array and send out the renewal notice reminders. For this we can use an Apply to each using the Body of the Filter array. And the email can extract the relevant fields including the Owner's email, Filename with extension, Due Date (formatted), etc. To get the properties you can just use the following expression format: items('Apply_to_each')?['INTERNAL_COLUMN_NAME'] To get the Owner's email you would use: items('Apply_to_each')?['Owner/Email'] Example email sent out is:Re: Use Flow to update "date last saved" of every flow i own?
I wouldn't be looking to update all your flows. I'd suggest you discuss with your Power Automate admins and get them to reconsider what they are doing. There is zero logic in there decision in this case - just bizarre. If a flow is well built and the process hasn't changed then the flow has no need to be updated - if they can't see that then I feel for you.Re: Save attachment from Outlook to Sharepoint and Check In
I'm not entirely sure why you are getting List not found, but this is how I would go about copying email attachments to a SharePoint folder and checking them in (if currently checked out). Note that for this example, my trigger only includes emails with a Subject "Files to copy" and only if they contain attachments, plus getting actual attachments. I assume you already have something like this. Next is the main flow. Here I would loop over each of the attachments (could be one or more) and for each one: Create the file in SharePoint Get the file properties so we can check if it's checked out Condition to check that it's checked out using the file properties If it is checked out then check it inRe: Check In Array Filter failing
ganeshsanapI think they just redacted out the comment in their screenshot as they wouldn't be able to save the flow if it was empty and they said it was running successfully, but the files were still checked out. vww01Really not sure what's happening if they are still checked out. Do you have the library set to Require content approval, and/or require check-out? Are you able to check-in/publish those files manually? Maybe someone else has them checked out, or the files are locked (in use) by another user which may cause the issue too.Re: Check In Array Filter failing
vww01You'll definitely need to iterate over the Filter array otherwise it will try to check in ALL files. To get the ID from the Filter array you can do the following: item()?['ID'] See full example below that looks in my folder called My Files within the Documents library.
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