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Brass Contributor
Joined 9 years ago
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Re: View Original Email Issue
I think I found an easier solution. If I switch back to classic teams I get a download original email link and can download and open in outlook. Using the new teams, you just see a link that states view original email but you can't open it or download it.6.3KViews1like1CommentOneNote classroom plugin with Schoology and PowerSchool
If you are using Schoology with Powerschoolintegration, most of the the features of OneNote Classroom plugin do work. But when it comes to grading assignments, there seems to be a bug if the grade peiord contains ahierarchical structure. Since the grading periods are imported from Powerschool we can't change that structure. Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, do you know of a work around or do we just need to wait unitl a change happends with the SchoologyAPI that OneNote Classroom plugin is probably using?1.5KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Editing "Description" for Staff, PLC or Class Teams?
Do we know when this might change and allow the owner to edit the description? I've made the following request. Case Study #1: Adoption as a Marketing Campaign
What if you cannot afford to have the one on one training and support to get users to adopt it? Our struggle is the systems we have in place now work just fine. It seems like Teams is just adding a new way to do the same things. For example, the chat features. We already have Skype for Business/email and those two work just fine. If we are talking about files, well we already use file server shares for that. How do you get users to change that thinking? This is the struggle we have.6.9KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Favorite Spaces
This maybe a dumb question but what's the difference between a "community" and a "space"? I can't seem to find that answer. I see that a space isa sub category of a community but I'm not sure why when you have features like "Tags" to help categorize a topic.1.3KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Announcement: School Data Sync Preview!
We have played around with OneNote Classroom with and LMS integrationand weren't able to use all aspects like grading because we sync our SIS with our LMS and OneNote Classroom plugin doesn't support the grading structure of the imported grade structure from the SIS. If we follow this guide and directly sync SIS with Office 365 can OneNote Classroom work better and support all aspects of OneNote Classroom?1.1KViews0likes0CommentsCopy discussion to another community
There doesn't seem to be a way to copy a disicussion I've created in one community to another community. I found the other community after the post I made, now I want that post to be in both communities since they are similar in topic. What am I missing or is this a feature that doesn't exsist yet?1KViews1like3Comments