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Why is Add-WindowsCapability so slow for RSAT?
We install RSAT for our technicians by using: Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online​ The download/install is incredibly slow, averaging about ~15 minutes per RSAT tool. There's a total of 21 RSAT tools to install so do the math. No network/traffic blocks. This works just as slow on an open home internet network. No difference between a one-liner approach or foreach logic WUServer is 0 in HKLM path of the registry CBS.log shows about ~10 minutes of Download Progress 49/100 (always at the 49/100 mark) DISM.log doesn't show anything useful Quick googling shows a lot of other people experience slowness. If we can't rely on Windows Update CDN, what's the alternative? Separately downloading, extracting, and storing the content on a network share is cumbersome for each time a new build/FU comes out.6.6KViews5likes16Comments