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Power Automate not copying file
I have a super simple flow - copy a file to a second folder when it is copied into a first folder, as illustrated. Both folders are within SharePoint. I am using ID to identify the file to copy. But Power Automate cannot find the file (error 'The system cannot find the file specified. ). Any suggestions please?Re: Macro to bulk create Outlook rules from CSV file
Here is a macro that loops through a list in Excel to create rules in an Outlook shared mailbox (not exactly the same for a private mailbox). User will need to write the rules that route the emails to the correct folder - the MS documentation is here: Remember to add references to Excel when running in Outlook. Sub CreateRules_SharedMailbox_1() Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Set olApp = New Outlook.Application Dim olNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace Set olNamespace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Const sharedMailboxName As String = "email address removed for privacy reasons" 'Your shared mailbox name Const olFolderInbox As Integer = 6 Dim olRecipient As Outlook.Recipient Set olRecipient = olNamespace.CreateRecipient(sharedMailboxName) olRecipient.Resolve Dim olFolder As Outlook.Folder If olRecipient.Resolved Then Set olFolder = olNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(olRecipient, olFolderInbox) Dim colRules As Outlook.Rules Dim I As Long For I = 1 To Session.Stores.Count Debug.Print Session.Stores(I) If Session.Stores(I).DisplayName = sharedMailboxName Then Set colRules = olFolder.Store.GetRules() Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Dim wb As Excel.Workbook Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\xyz\YourExcel.xlsx") 'URL and filename for your Excel Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet Set ws = wb.Sheets("Test") 'Sheet name for your list Dim lastRow As Long lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(-4162).Row Dim iRow As Long For iRow = 2 To lastRow '2 to exclude header row Dim trigger As String Dim fldPath As String trigger = ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value 'Column A contains the trigger values fldPath = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value 'Column B contains the fldPath values ' Create a new rule Dim oRule As Outlook.Rule Set oRule = colRules.Create(trigger, olRuleReceive) 'Set your rule conditions here Dim oMoveTarget As Outlook.Folder Set oMoveTarget = olFolder.Folders("Test") Next iRow wb.Close False xlApp.Quit colRules.Save Exit For End If Next End Sub2.4KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Macro to bulk create Outlook rules from CSV file
NikolinoDE- thank you for trying to help, but might I suggest you kindly never post AI code without testing it first? Everyone can find AI code generators and AI code is flakey - the code you posted simply introduced errors into my code that were not there before.2.6KViews0likes1CommentMacro to bulk create Outlook rules from CSV file
I am new to Outlook VBA and have struggled for a day now to write a macro that creates rules from a CSV file in a shared mailbox with the trigger for Body or Subject in column 1 and the path to the folder to move the message to in column 2. I have the following code that runs OK but does not add any rules. Could someone please identify my errors? PowerShell I cannot use due to organization's network restrictions. Sub ImportRulesFromCSVTest() Dim sharedMailboxName As String sharedMailboxName = "email address removed for privacy reasons" Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Set olApp = Outlook.Application Dim olNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace Set olNamespace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Dim olRecipient As Outlook.Recipient Set olRecipient = olNamespace.CreateRecipient(sharedMailboxName) olRecipient.Resolve Dim olStore As Outlook.Store Set olStore = olNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(olRecipient, olFolderInbox).Store Dim olRules As Outlook.Rules Set olRules = olStore.GetRules Dim csvFilePath As String csvFilePath = "C:\Users\xyz\Test4.csv" Open csvFilePath For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, csvLine Dim csvValues() As String csvValues = Split(csvLine, ",") If UBound(csvValues) = 2 Then trigger = csvValues(0) folderPath = csvValues(1) 'Create rule Dim olRule As Outlook.Rule Set olRule = olRules.Create(trigger, olRuleClientOnly) 'Set trigger condition Dim olRuleConditions As Outlook.RuleConditions Set olRuleConditions = olRule.Conditions Dim olSubjectCondition As Outlook.TextRuleCondition Set olSubjectCondition = olRuleConditions.BodyOrSubject olSubjectCondition.Text = Array(trigger) 'Set exception exclude messages To (i.e. restrict rule to Cc and Bcc) Dim oToCondition As Outlook.ToOrFromRuleCondition Set oToCondition = oRule.olConditionNotTo With oToCondition .Enabled = True .Recipients.Add ("email address removed for privacy reasons") .Recipients.ResolveAll End With 'Set move action Dim olRuleActions As Outlook.RuleActions Set olRuleActions = olRule.Actions Dim olFolder As Outlook.Folder Set olFolder = olStore.GetRootFolder.Folders(folderPath) Dim olMoveOrCopyRuleAction As Outlook.MoveOrCopyRuleAction Set olMoveOrCopyRuleAction = olRuleActions.MoveToFolder With olMoveOrCopyRuleAction .Enabled = True .Folder = olFolder End With olRules.Save End If Loop Close #1 MsgBox "Rules imported", vbInformation End Sub2.7KViews0likes5CommentsRe: Display email from a person column
Thanks ganeshsanap - I think I have been unclear. I want to concatenate columns. I have different columns of persons and their email addresses, but I also need to combine these persons and their email addresses in groups. So that means one column that concatenates several Person or Group columns and one column that concatenates several email columns. SharePoint won't do that. But maybe if the columns can be formatted as text I can get SharePoint to concatenate them.36KViews0likes2Comments
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