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Running a KQL to find all devices with a software installed and the currently logged on users
Hi, I am seeking for some help with running a KQL query. Basically trying to find all the devices on the network with a particular software (like Wireshark) but the results to also include the users that are logged on to them I am very new to KQL and this is what I have tried to run but my "LoggedOnUsers" column is blank union DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory, DeviceInfo | where SoftwareName in ("wireshark") | project DevivceITS = trim_end(".", DeviceName), OSVersion, SoftwareName, SoftwareVersion, LoggedOnUsers | order by DevivceITS, SoftwareName, SoftwareVersion | sort by SoftwareVersion desc Cheers, KP14KViews1like0Comments
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