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UEBA not recommended in Lighthouse?
My new org is considering whether to enable UEBA. We have a multi-tenant Lighthouse-enabled environment. Previous Engineers discussed UEBA with Microsoft, and Microsoft indicated that UEBA would be inaccurate in a Lighthouse environment. Unfortunately I haven't been able to gather any additional details or explanations, and otherwise haven't found this topic documented by Microsoft. Can anyone confirm if UEBA is recommended and compatible with Lighthouse? Thanks!!!285Views1like0CommentsAD Identity Protection - Self-Remediation for Confirmed Compromised users?
Can a "Confirmed Compromised" user be self-remediated via MFA? We currently have a Conditional Access policy to force MFA on "High" risk level users. Microsoft documentation indicates that MFA or Password Reset will self-remediate the risk level, however during testing 'the self-remediation did not take effect on the Confirmed Compromised account. Context: We are automating Incident Response in Sentinel, using a Logic App to set a user to "Confirmed Compromised" (only because there is no option to set a user to "at Risk"). We want the user risk status to be set back to Remediated or Dismissed after completing MFA. I thought a risk-based policy would self-remediate those users. If this isn't the case then I supposed I'll have to build another Logic App to "dismiss" risk after users sign in via MFA. Thanks.951Views0likes2CommentsIssue with Sentinel Template Analytic Rule: TI map IP entity to CommonSecurityLog
The template Analytic Rule named "TI map IP entity to CommonSecurityLog" only generates detections when the IOC matches SourceIP. Customers relying on the template rule are not getting detections when the NetworkIP field from ThreatIntelligenceIndicator matches the DestinationIP field from CommonSecurityLog. Problematic KQL from the Analytic Rule: | extend CS_ipEntity = iff(isnotempty(SourceIP), SourceIP, DestinationIP) Issue: Given that every log in CommonSecurityLog should have both SoureIP and DestinationIP, "isnotempty(SourceIP)" will always be true, and the above KQL will only set CS_ipEntity as the SourceIP. DestinationIP is ignored. Quickly developed solution (for Palo-Alto logs in CommonSecurityLog): Note: This rule excludes blocked traffic let dt_lookBack = 1h; let ioc_lookBack = 14d; //Match IOC NetworkIPs on SourceIP let TISourceMatch = ThreatIntelligenceIndicator | where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack) and ExpirationDateTime > now() | summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId | where Active == true // Picking up only IOC's that contain the entities we want | where isnotempty(NetworkIP) or isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress) or isnotempty(NetworkDestinationIP) or isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP) // As there is potentially more than 1 indicator type for matching IP, taking NetworkIP first, then others if that is empty. // Taking the first non-empty value based on potential IOC match availability | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isnotempty(NetworkIP), NetworkIP, NetworkDestinationIP) | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isempty(TI_ipEntity) and isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP), NetworkSourceIP, TI_ipEntity) | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isempty(TI_ipEntity) and isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress), EmailSourceIpAddress, TI_ipEntity) // using innerunique to keep perf fast and result set low, we only need one match to indicate potential malicious activity that needs to be investigated | join kind=innerunique ( CommonSecurityLog | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack) | extend CS_ipEntity = SourceIP | extend CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.CS_ipEntity ; //Match IOC NetworkIPs on DestinationIP let TIDestinationMatch = ThreatIntelligenceIndicator | where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack) and ExpirationDateTime > now() | summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId | where Active == true // Picking up only IOC's that contain the entities we want | where isnotempty(NetworkIP) or isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress) or isnotempty(NetworkDestinationIP) or isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP) // As there is potentially more than 1 indicator type for matching IP, taking NetworkIP first, then others if that is empty. // Taking the first non-empty value based on potential IOC match availability | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isnotempty(NetworkIP), NetworkIP, NetworkDestinationIP) | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isempty(TI_ipEntity) and isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP), NetworkSourceIP, TI_ipEntity) | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isempty(TI_ipEntity) and isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress), EmailSourceIpAddress, TI_ipEntity) // using innerunique to keep perf fast and result set low, we only need one match to indicate potential malicious activity that needs to be investigated | join kind=innerunique ( CommonSecurityLog | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack) | extend CS_ipEntity = DestinationIP | extend CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated ) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.CS_ipEntity ; TISourceMatch | union TIDestinationMatch | where CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated < ExpirationDateTime | summarize CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = arg_max(CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId, CS_ipEntity | project CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated, TI_ipEntity, SourceIP, DestinationIP, DeviceAction, DeviceVendor, DeviceProduct, IndicatorId, ThreatType, ExpirationDateTime, ConfidenceScore, CS_ipEntity, LogSeverity, FlexString2Label, FlexString2 //Exclude traffic blocked by firewall | where DeviceAction !in ('reset-both', 'block-url', 'deny', 'drop') | extend timestamp = CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated, IPCustomEntity = CS_ipEntity6KViews0likes1CommentRe: Issue with Sentinel Template Analytic Rule: TI map IP entity to CommonSecurityLog
Quick solution maintaining general structure of the existing template rule: let IPRegex = '[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}'; let dt_lookBack = 1h; let ioc_lookBack = 14d; ThreatIntelligenceIndicator | where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack) and ExpirationDateTime > now() | summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId | where Active == true // Picking up only IOC's that contain the entities we want | where isnotempty(NetworkIP) or isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress) or isnotempty(NetworkDestinationIP) or isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP) // As there is potentially more than 1 indicator type for matching IP, taking NetworkIP first, then others if that is empty. // Taking the first non-empty value based on potential IOC match availability | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isnotempty(NetworkIP), NetworkIP, NetworkDestinationIP) | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isempty(TI_ipEntity) and isnotempty(NetworkSourceIP), NetworkSourceIP, TI_ipEntity) | extend TI_ipEntity = iff(isempty(TI_ipEntity) and isnotempty(EmailSourceIpAddress), EmailSourceIpAddress, TI_ipEntity) // using innerunique to keep perf fast and result set low, we only need one match to indicate potential malicious activity that needs to be investigated | join kind=innerunique ( CommonSecurityLog | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack) | extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message) | extend CS_ipEntity = SourceIP | extend CS_ipEntity = iff(isempty(CS_ipEntity) and isnotempty(MessageIP), MessageIP, CS_ipEntity) | extend CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated | union CommonSecurityLog | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack) | extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message) | extend CS_ipEntity = DestinationIP | extend CS_ipEntity = iff(isempty(CS_ipEntity) and isnotempty(MessageIP), MessageIP, CS_ipEntity) | extend CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated ) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.CS_ipEntity | where CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated < ExpirationDateTime | summarize CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated = arg_max(CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId, CS_ipEntity | project CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated, SourceIP, DestinationIP, MessageIP, Message, DeviceVendor, DeviceProduct, IndicatorId, ThreatType, ExpirationDateTime, ConfidenceScore, TI_ipEntity, CS_ipEntity, LogSeverity, DeviceAction | extend timestamp = CommonSecurityLog_TimeGenerated, IPCustomEntity = CS_ipEntity5.9KViews0likes0Comments